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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Your Carte Blanche is worth Billions

By Murli Chari

We human beings are gifted with a Carte Blanche or a blank check

signed by the magnificent Universe. We have full liberty to put any

amount and of course our name thereon. Be sure it will be honored.

The only prerequisite is we should not grab anything from others. It’s a

travesty of fate that we are not even aware of that leave alone putting

our names and the desired amount. We can live like emperors if we

take charge of our lives and honor the universe for the wonderful gift of

life. We need to have clarity of vision and purpose before we put our

names and the dream-like amount. For this to happen we have to slay

the demons of fear and doubt from our minds. We are not even aware

that we have the Carte Blanche in our treasury. It is our well-meaning

parents, siblings, near and dear ones, teachers, friends and various

other perverted norms of the decrepit society. We are like zombies

whiling away our time and not bothering to encash the Carte Blanche.

There are very few rarest of the rarest who have used this gift to their

advantage for those of others. Even many legendary people have not

fully used this gift and so there is no question of millions not realizing

their full potential. Our education system has miserably failed to create

geniuses who can use this gift wisely. Most of us are resorting to rote to

clear the exams without garnering true essence of knowledge. True

purpose of education is to create great human beings who can unleash

their full potential. We, human beings have humongous potential to

create miracles upon miracles as their brains have more synapses than

the whole count of celestial bodies put together.

We need to create right climes for each one of us to fully harness the

innate talents having a comatose stature within our being. We need to

stop creating stereo types and permit each one of us to bloom like a

thousand petal lotus. For everyone to exude aroma we need to make

everyone realize the cornucopia of talents lying dormant within eachone of us. We need to make a paradigm shift in the syllabi to permit

every individual to choose the subjects suited to his talents. The

education system now ubiquitous is creating half-baked graduates who

find themselves a misfit in the job market. We can make the best use of

our gift of Carte Blanche if we are encouraged to be on our own rather

than taking up jobs just to pay the bills and eking out a life which has

lost its essence. People who realized that they can live a life of an

emperor have done wonders for themselves and for others. The infinite

and scintillating universe beckons us to be like it rather than living just

to live a purposeless lives. Universe has taken billions of years in

evolution to bring us to this brilliant pedestal. From here on it’s our

turn to turn the Carte Blanche into a magic hat. We need to discover

our Midas touch. Once we make up our minds to turn this life into a

billion-dollar enterprise the universe will conspire to make that into a

reality. We need to impress upon everyone that they too have the

billion-dollar bill in the form of Carte Blanche. Many legendary leaders

have exhorted us to treat this life as an opportunity to create a niche

for ourselves. In honoring this gift we create affluence for ourselves and

to millions of others.

Now, that the science and technology reaching the apogee of glory we

no longer feel this glorious lives for billions as a pipe dream. Millions

upon millions are struggling with their lives doing ordinary jobs much to

the chagrin of employers, customers and themselves. For everyone to

make the best use of this gift would be to dismantle the current

business method of employer-employee which has proven to be a

nemesis. If everyone gets serious about honoring the universe for this

invaluable gift we would have a real paradise on earth. It certainly is

not a Utopian dream.

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Nirbhay Shastry
Nirbhay Shastry
Jun 09, 2022

The universe has abundance for everyone and forever, to seek only from your existing capacity or someone else's existing capacity on earth is to short change yourself or short change them, infact each and every person should most generously offer whatever they have by doing their best in life for oneself and others and the universe will reward each person who does this with abundance, the only condition the universe puts forward is to be as generous to each other as the universe is to us


Aparna Jagannath
Aparna Jagannath
May 15, 2022

This is the best and the most positive, motivational post that everyone definitely needs to read. Superb! Looking forward to reading excellent blogs like these.

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