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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

You Can Achieve Whatever You Conceive and Believe

This is an aphorism famously attributed to Napoleon Hill. In his book Think and Grow Rich he has thoroughly dealt with this adage. Many of us take birth and go to graveyards with all our abilities and potential unused much to the chagrin of the world at large and ourselves. We can literally achieve whatever we set our sights on. Thomas Alva Edison achieved and patented many creations as he firmly believed in the above aphorism. Dr. Helen Keller who was impaired in various manners did yeoman service for the visually impaired. Dr. Abdul Kalam our beloved ex-president shone in many fields. He was a scientist par excellence erudite scholar and exceptionally wonderful human being. Those who achieve have lot of self-belief which emanates from the above philosophy. Elon Musk has become the richest person of the world as he dared to think beyond the normal since he believed that he can conceive anything and achieve them. Dr. Stephen Hawking though totally paralyzed was one of the most brilliant brains of our times. Kroc who started a chain of McDonald's sprawling across the globe believed that whatever he conceived can be turned into reality. Benjamin Franklin was a multi-faceted personality as he believed in the above dictum. Dheerubhai Ambani created mirabilia as he firmly believed in this golden wisdom. Even ordinary people can do extraordinary feats if they have faith in this philosophy. Walt Disney was a great protagonist of this precious wisdom. Every human being can reach the apogee of glory if they adopt this philosophy and imbibed this attribute. We can emulate the examples of these swashbuckling human beings as that would make our world a better place as well as we can live the life of our dreams. Even in my case, I declared to my friends that I would write a book when I was barely 15 years. Now, so far, I have penned 23 books. That is the magic of this powerful piece of thought. All great creations and inventions are possible only due to this adage. Wright brothers made use of this mandate and that was a seminal work. Dr. Nelson Mandela did not give up on his dreams even though he remained incarcerated in the Robin Island prison cell for 28 years. Amitabh Bachchan is a coruscant personality as he believed in his inner vision that he would achieve everything if he stuck to this theory. A classic example is that of Raj Kapoor who could not attract a box office hit for his superb film Mera Naam Joker. He left that behind and came out with a superb movie Bobby. Henry Ford had very few years of schooling but used this powerful philosophy to become the leading car maker and carved a niche for himself. We should include the power of this wisdom in schools to enable students to take advantage of this powerful theory. It is available to all irrespective of age, education, caste, creed, religion, nationality, and gender.

The science behind this dictum is when we constantly believe whatever we conceive our brain is magnetized and attracts the things we dream about. When we believe the neurons gel together and manifest whatever we dream. We should make sure that we do not have any fear or doubt. To quote Jesus “Even if you have the faith of the size of mustard you can move the mountains.” We can conceive anything and achieve if our belief system is powerful. If you conceive and passionately pursue your dreams then you are bound to succeed. Just imagine how satellites are launched and made to go to a specified celestial object. All endeavors require precision and strong faith. Napoleon Hill says there is nothing impossible if we follow this principle. Once we make up our minds, we can literally pull off a miracle. The recent explosion of a covid pandemic could be arrested due to the development of covid drugs. All the miracles we see around us like beautiful structures like the Taj Mahal Burj Khalifa beautiful automobiles and legions of other creations are the result of this wonderful principle at work.

To conclude, if each human follows this principle our world would turn into a paradise.

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