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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

We are already living in a paradise

We are already living in paradise

We have been bombarded with the belief system that a heaven is a place somewhere else. This heaven is attained after we die depending upon our karma. Religious heads assure gullible devotees that they can attain heaven if they part their money with the religious heads. No one knows what happens after death. There is no point in hoping to go to heaven. No doubt, it is a good concept as it ensures goodness in the world. Nobody can come back after death to narrate the truth of heaven. How it looks and feels. Our heaven is in our minds. We are already in heaven if each one of us contributes goodness and humanity to the world. Our universe is a cornucopia of abundance. We are trampling all the beauty with hatred and plundering the earth for material riches. We can create a paradise on planet earth if each one of us commits to the common cause. There is enough affluence in the world if we stop scrambling for material riches. The amount of time, money, and energy we are squandering on manufacturing weapons of mass destruction. It's nothing short of hara-kiri. Human beings are the only species on planet earth that harms their own tribe.

There is a rat race going on to amass wealth through devious means at the cost of millions. Most of our time, money, and energy is squandered on showing it to others who are least bothered about what you possess and the way you live. All the skirmishes are due mainly to the distorted belief that money can guarantee us affluence and great happiness. Contentment and minimalistic living ensure peace, progress, and prosperity if all of us coalesce our wealth and wisdom. Our whole life is spent earning wealth at any cost and later spending our wealth to regain health. There is a great adage that once Gautam Buddha taught what is heaven and what is hell. Gautam Buddha deliberately instigated a warrior and that warrior took out his sword. Then Gautam Buddha said this is hell. Then the warrior puts back the sword. Then Gautam Buddha says that is heaven. So, heaven is nothing but a sort of euphoria due to feeling good. If we treat others like ourselves, we will enjoy happiness and tranquility. And that state of well-being is heaven. On the other hand, if one is belligerent then we are feeling hell within.

Of late it is ubiquitous to see extravaganza leading to ennui and boredom leading to feeling miserable. We have become violent and turning the beautiful paradise into a virtual hell. The internecine wars are the result of anger, envy, hatred, and frustration. If we live a life of a hermit in the midst of hedonism and narcissism, we are creating hell out of heaven. All is here and in the now. Most of us are in competition with others and try to overdo others. Everyone wants to become the richest and they will go to any extent to achieve their ends. We as human beings have the choice to choose heaven or hell. Each one of us needs to commit to compassion and camaraderie.

It's time we bury the hatchet and commit to creating paradise here on the wonderful planet. Our universe is such a wonderful thing with a cornucopia of affluence for all. Each one of us can be an emperor if we change the rules of the game. Playing politics to debauch others must be bid adieu to. All of us are connected by the spirit, environment, and nature. It is our skewed thinking that is spelling doom for all of us. We must shed the biases and abjure violence. We need to channel all our precious resources and create paradise on our beautiful earth. The very sprawling and abundant universe beckon us to live like emperors. All that is possible if each one of us treats everyone as a small piece of divinity. That spark needs to be fired to encourage everyone to do his bit in bringing paradise to earth. We need to bridge the gap between science and religion to achieve this goal. Let us all be like children who do not nurse any grievance and are not vindictive.

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Aparna Jagannath
Aparna Jagannath
29 sty 2023

Your blogs are so optimistic and filled with motivation that it's always a delight to read them. Unfortunately, due to a busy schedule, I wasn't able to read them but I will catch up. ❤❤❤


Rameshwar Singh
Rameshwar Singh
29 sty 2023

Really very well explained that we are already living in paradise.

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