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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari


By Murli Chari

Many of us keep talking about what we would be doing without any intentions of carrying it through. When we promise the moon and do not deliver it blights our reputation. In the future, no one will take us seriously. We also fall in our own eyes as well. So, it is better to underpromise and overdeliver. When we make it a point to walk our talk, we feel confident and our credibility also skyrockets. It is common knowledge that most politicians indulge in rhetoric with no intentions to fulfill their promises. The harangue is meant for catching the votes. For centuries the pseudo-social workers in the garb of the majority have been hoodwinking the gullible masses with their subterfuges. That is why in general politicians across the globe are not trusted so much. They are trusted like foxes. Even the commercials on the media indulge in big talk and dish out spurious and inferior goods and services. In all facets of life, very few walk their talk. Some people genuinely promise but due to unavoidable circumstances are not able to walk their talk. Many of us are genuinely wanting to walk our talk but due to things beyond our control, we fail on this count. It takes temerity and audacity to walk the talk no matter what. Abraham Lincoln was a thorough statesman and a gentleman to boot to walk his talk more often than not. John F Kennedy also was very illustrious when it came to walking the talk. Atal Behari Vajpayee the former Prime Minister was a great statesman to bridge the gap between talk and walk. There are few and far between who enjoy this kind of credibility. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was known as the iron man who delivered what he promised. That is the reason he is still revered as a great statesman who brought all the feuding factions into one single country. Mahatma Gandhi father of the nation also stood by his words. People who are known to walk their talks are showered with an avalanche of encomiums, compliments, and accolades. In today’s world, this virtue is on a premium and worth developing as it will pay rich dividends. Only men of steel can mean what they say. There is a famous aphorism “Mean what you say and say what you mean”. This virtue requires temerity and gumption as it is very tough to walk the talk. In the initial stages, it is very tough to tread but once this virtue is developed then we will be showered with an avalanche of affluence. Foraying into this domain is vital for the faith in humanity to burgeon. Only authentic people can resort to this philosophy. Once we develop this virtue we will commit only when we will be delivering what we promise.

There is so much dichotomy in our societies that the tribe of genuine beings delivering what they promise is vanishing fast. We need to felicitate those who walk their talk to inspire many others to emulate their examples. We have only apparitions of real and genuine human beings scoring high on this count. Is it not an essential virtue for a salubrious society to flourish? We can all collectively thrive if everyone accepts this philosophy and makes it their integral value system. Too much crass commercialization and greed for wealth have turned us into unscrupulous charlatans caring two hoots for a walk the talk philosophy. Raising unrealistic expectations with no commitment to walk the talk has become more of a rule rather than an exception. For us also it is imperative to religiously follow this tenet as it boosts our morale and confidence to take on more and more fortifying our personality and usefulness for society. Breach of this ideology is the reason the courts are clogged up to the brim and there is a trust deficit. So many contracts are violated as parties are not sincere to their intentions expressed at the beginning of a transaction. This is a very sad state of affairs and does not augur well for humanity to flourish and thrive. Let’s all make a pledge to walk the talk as it vital for the health and wealth of human society across the globe.

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Aparna Jagannath
Aparna Jagannath
Feb 27, 2022

Wonderful post. Very well said.

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