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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

True bliss emanates from sharing wealth, time, knowledge, and understanding. – Murli Chari

In these days of hedonism and Narcissism, we tend to hoard things for the future which is very uncertain. Happiness burgeons when we share it with others. We should be generous with our wealth as that would cascade into an abundance of happiness. It is a mistaken belief that sharing our wealth would lead to our bankruptcy. Many wealthy people hoard things and wealth by manifesting miserly behavior. They are always on the tenterhooks when they are required to part with their money. It is well proven that when we share our wealth, knowledge, and understanding affluence comes to us in torrents. Living under stress to safeguard wealth is avoidable. When we are generous, we attract many good people who in turn will help us grow our wealth by leaps and bounds. When we hoard wealth, we are vulnerable to theft, loss, and forgery. The importance of having loads of wealth is to help the poor and needy. We are the trustees of the wealth of the masses. The more generous we are the more bliss we enjoy. If we are stingy, we invite the wrath of the have-nots. This philosophy would create camaraderie and peace in the war-torn world. If we show magnanimity the universe sends humongous abundance with peace. The miserly wealthy people are always under duress for fearing the loss of wealth. There are legions of wealthy people who exercise philanthropy to earn goodwill. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Tatas, Ambanis, Azim Premji, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, et al. As per Saint Francis “When we do good to others, we are doing the best to ourselves. “Those who do a lot of charity enjoy their lives to the hilt. When we have a network of friends, we hardly require crutches for survival. True friends stand by us in times of crisis. We can easily understand from observing our state of being when we are selfless and when we are selfish. When we are selfless, we enjoy exuberance and exhilaration. On the other hand, when we are selfish there is phenomenal stress. All the catastrophes, carnage, and genocide are taking place to protect the wealth of the rich. Most of the venal acts of crimes are the result of cravings for more and more. Providing for the generation next is needless as the only great legacy is character, compassion, peace, and love. Avarice leads to carnages, violence, and murders. Hedonism and Narcissism are the root cause of all crimes in the world. All the chasms in relationships are due to not sharing wealth, love, and understanding. We all must realize that when we share our wealth, love, compassion, understanding, and peace we are promoting humanity leading to camaraderie. Individual bliss and peace can happen only when we are altruistic. In families also there is a needless competition to acquire wealth at the cost of discomfiture to other family members. In India, it is said that 70% of court cases are due to family disputes. If such is the case then, no doubt, we are lacking humanity. Sharing and caring is the basic principle of Sikhism. The abundant universe has given a cornucopia of abundance that there is enough to spare for all.

It's the time every one of us adopts this philosophy so that all can thrive and prosper with loads of peace. This should be an integral part of the curriculum in schools and colleges. All the animosity and hatred will be replaced by love, compassion, peace, and affluence for all. The amount of money spent in manufacturing weapons of mass destruction will be channelized for creating a salubrious and congenial atmosphere. The need for private and exclusive needs to possess things will be replaced by sharing and caring promoting goodwill. Our basic nature is one of compassion and sharing but due to fears and doubts, we resort to hoarding for the future to take care of our insecurities. If each one of us commits to humanity, then we can change the very face of the strife-torn situation in the world. We need to give peace and compassion a chance. We human beings due to our avarice turned our paradise-like world into a veritable hell.

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