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Treat Your Job As A Game

By Murli Chari

Most of us are bored with what we are doing for our living. As per research findings, most heart attacks occur around 9 am on Monday morning.

Millions and millions of people resent their job. This is happening because we think a job cannot be a game. We put our heart and soul into games. We relish every moment.

If everyone brings this playfulness into their jobs the workplace would be very much enjoyable. If this happens all the stakeholders would be happy.

At present, hardly a few people are able to create wow experiences for all. It has been observed due to the corona pandemic many people are working from home and productivity has gone up phenomenally.

This is because the climes are good at home. We have the feeling that we are on a holiday. A lot of cheer comes into play. When we are home, we can squeeze in the most as we are not in the office atmosphere.

When we are in the office we feel as if we are in jail. At home, we enjoy a lot of freedom. On the contrary, we end up doing more. In fact, this work from home is catching up and may become the new normal. This arrangement saves a lot of commuting with its attendant problems. A lot of time, money, and energy is saved. There are many payoffs if jobs are made more enjoyable. As people are not putting heart and soul into their jobs the full potential of millions is untapped.

We all have a mistaken notion that work cannot be treated as a sport. If we make a paradigm shift to treat our jobs as any other sport there would be phenomenal affluence benefitting the whole of humanity.

When we are in a state of the sport, we do not curse our jobs and do our best to benefit all the stakeholders. Sportsmen enjoy their game as well as earn millions.

Unless we enjoy our jobs, we would not do justice to all the stakeholders. If the sports element is blended with commitment, we will lot of spectators applauding our assignment.

When we are playful, we enjoy the work which otherwise would be drudgery. If we treat our work as a sport then there are no boring moments and resentment.

We look for ways to alleviate the problems of those who are our clients. Even in the field of films those who make acting look like a sport enjoy their acting and look as if they are characters themselves.

For this to happen even the managers should not micromanage their subordinates. If the whole workplace is made a sporting arena, then there would be a phenomenal salubrious atmosphere. People would be so motivated that they look forward to coming to the workplace.

It's time we trusted employees to do their best by providing a lively atmosphere in the workplace.

Hard-nosed managers must be replaced by servant leaders who win the hearts of workmen. For a sporting atmosphere to prevail we need to win the hearts of employees rather than brow-beating them.

Even small progress should be applauded and encouraged. The vision and mission statements should be designed by the lower rung employees as they will take ownership of the initiatives and implement them.

In fact, in every arena, this playfulness has to be brought in. Even in schools, children should be encouraged to take their studies as a game.

Just a slight change in approach can bring phenomenal results with no bickering and resentment. If the workplace is turned into a playground, then there would be many miracles.

If everyone enjoys the game then workplaces would turn into a paradise. We need a humanitarian approach to bring about a catharsis in the thinking of all the stakeholders.

For all these to happen we have to know our why and how will be taken care of by the all-knowing universe. We are all taken this human birth to enjoy and not slog.

Fundamentally the old order has to be besmirched and replaced by more sports in every sphere of human endeavor.

An attitudinal change will bring about the best in each one of us.

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1 Comment

Aparna J
Aparna J
Jul 17, 2022

Excellent concept. I agree with your views. Treating our job as a game helps us immensely to enjoy our jobs rather than detesting it. 👏👌👌👌

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