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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Time and Money are the worst demons

By Murli Chari

Time is an invention of our society as all the animals, plants and all the other creatures except human beings do not worry about time. Time is the construct of our mind and has no place in the cosmos. Time is essential for day to day living. It is always the perpetual present. It’s our memory which requires time to measure everything.

There is famous quote by Albert Einstein who said time is a very relative term. When you are with your loved one you feel the time is moving fast and when you are sitting on a hot plate the time does not seem to move. The same thing can be said about time when we wait

are waiting for someone or something. When we are awaiting the result of some exam or waiting the results of some critical diagnostics report the time torments us and makes us anxious. Time creates stress and anxiety. When we want to complete some tasks within the

scheduled time, we put immense pressure on ourselves. Most of the road accidents occur when we are in a hurry to reach some place.

When we are mindful and grounded in the present we are in total control of time. Time makes us believe that we are growing old which is again our skewed belief. If we believe that we are young we can freeze the time. When we meet childhood friends and whiling away our time, we feel very young. Birds and animals are very poised and are unaffected by time. That is the reason wise people believe in mind management rather than time management which only creates stress and anxiety. Those who give undue importance to time age very fast and those who are poised, and calm do not feel the pressure of time.Determination can create time and opportunity. Time can be made our ally if we prioritize than being a slave to the time.

Money is another demon taking a heavy toll of human lives as well as phenomenal and avoidable anxiety. Money makes the mare go is the popular aphorism alluding to lure of the lucre. Whenever, money is brought into the equation it creates a chasm in relationships.

Money - oriented approach to life propels us to resort to unethical and unscrupulous means. All the crimes and corruption in the world emanate from the desire for immense amount of money. There are many instances where people have killed the other person for a few

rupees. Money drives a wedge between siblings, friends, and relatives. Sole aim to earn money makes people sell spurious things, float schemes to loot and scoot and take to politics. Many businesses are thriving solely through scams and exploitation. Money-oriented

economy vitiates the whole congenial atmosphere.

Money is earned compromising on quality and value. Making money by adding immense value is, no doubt, good for all. It brings the best out of everyone. There is a need to switch to a new paradigm of economy based on value-based selling. Even the noblest of professions like education, medicine and health are vitiated by the lure of money. We can and for that matter everyone of us can have immense affluence if we add immense value without expectations.

So, we all human beings need to be careful while handling time and money. With the great leaps in science and technology we human beings are at the threshold of creating a new world civilization based on humanity and compassion. We need to give utmost importance to

human beings and other living things rather than to the demons of time and money.

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