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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

The Very Purpose of Life Is Enjoyment

The very purpose of life is enjoyment

Most of us deploy our money, energy, and time on acquiring knowledge to enable us to amass wealth without realizing that is wasting the vital energy of our lives. The very purpose of life is joy. Most of us are not aware of this fact and carry on running on the treadmill leading to ennui, misery, and frustration. People keep on enhancing their knowledge to enable them to amass wealth and hoard things for securing their future. With their hankering after wealth, they forget to enjoy the moment. All life happens in the here and now. Most of us take our lives seriously. They become cantankerous and livid with anger when they do not get what they want. They are filled with endless desires. Desires are the worst enemies of enjoyment. Most of the things we are embroiled in are joy killers. Enjoyment does not mean hedonism and narcissism as pure and sublime joy is free of cost. We can enjoy it when we celebrate others and our’ successes. If we do not desire and do not take to unethical and unscrupulous means for fulfilling our desires, we are always joyful. To enjoy life is to share our joys, wealth, and knowledge with others.

All the troubles in the world are due to people not enjoying their lives. Most of the crimes and violence are perpetrated as we are not joyful. We can create a congenial and salubrious society if we learn to enjoy natural things like majestic sunrise, and sunsets and watch the moon and other celestial beings. A cup of tea or coffee at the roadside joint with our close friends would give us more joy than having scrumptious food and alcohol at a five-star hotel. We need to be very balanced to enjoy life. Our ideas about enjoyment are very skewed and distorted and that is the reason people keep hankering after more and more luxuries and comforts. The whole scramble for more and more is leading to anxiety and stress leading to illness and misery. The world has become a veritable hell as most people rather than enjoying life are indulging in amassing wealth, no matter, what means. They resort to the philosophy of begging, borrowing, or stealing. This torments their conscience and makes their lives miserable and stressful. Pure joy is available free of cost if only we pay attention and understand the mechanism to attain joy.

Let us all commit to enjoying life by living minimalistic life as well as stress-free lives. There is no need to put effort into coveting joy but just live life as if everything is good and all people are good. Do not have any expectations from life. Just let the natural flow of life flow. A simple life with minimum requirements ensures immense joy which brings exuberance. Create a fountain of joy within. Maintaining sang-froid under all circumstances ensures perennial joy. Humanity has gone berserk as our idea of enjoyment has undergone a catharsis. Simple living and high thinking are the way forward. Nature rather universe has taken eons to create our present planet which is replete with a cornucopia of endowments. To squander these blessings would be hara-kiri. In the quest for more and more material things to enjoy luxurious life is ridden with landmines. Joy must come naturally and no effort should be spent on going after joy. We certainly must have seen dogs expressing pure joy. That is the spirit we all must imbibe.

It's time we understand that pure joy is absolutely free. If we pursue joy by amassing luxuries and comforts. When we crave joy relying on external sources is a quagmire. Pleasure is limited and joy is limitless as it does not depend on material things. If we seek joy from outside we cross other’s paths leading to acrimony and stress. A proper balance in the life of work, leisure, and sleep are vital for enjoying. Too much crass commercialization and high-powered advertisements make us run after material riches thereby neglecting our natural flow of cascading joy. We collectively spend billions of dollars of hard-earned money for fleeting moments of joy.

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