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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Self-belief and never-say- die attitude lead to wonders.

By Murli Chari

We need to have immense self-belief and a never-say-die attitude to have phenomenal success in life. Unless we have self-belief, we will not foray into a new venture for we are scared to fail and also scared of being ridiculed and criticized. Self-belief triggers confidence and courage to take on any onerous assignment. In the absence of self-belief and a never-say-die attitude even though having great skills we are destined to fail. We may also not initiate any action for want of self-belief. We may have a treasure trove of talents, knowledge, and skills but in the absence of the aforesaid virtues, we are doomed to fail. Self-belief is the right kind of congenial atmosphere and ecosystem in our being which bolsters our morale to take on the Goliath. Lacking these virtues ties fetters on our legs and we languish. There is a myriad of examples where the less talented people have done extraordinary feats sheerly on the strength of self-belief. The combination of self-belief and never-say-die attitude makes a formidable combination that is a juggernaut that is unstoppable. Self-belief garners all the resources and the never-say-die attitude gives the right amount of gumption to trudge along. These two virtues were conspicuously obvious when Saurabh Ganguly the ex-captain of the Indian cricket team took over the charge. He refurbished the self-belief system along with killer instinct. Loads of talents in the absence of self-belief and a never-say-die attitude are of no avail. Napoleon Bonaparte was a diminutive figure with loads of both these virtues and that made him one of the greatest warriors. Abraham Lincoln who meandered through a labyrinth of obstacles circumvented each one of them and became one of the best Presidents and a statesman par excellence of the United States of America. This is very simple yet many people fail to make the best use of these two important virtues. Each one of us can enhance these qualities with each occasion. We are built with a success mechanism if only we make use of self-belief and a never-say-die attitude. Many of us are scared of other people’s opinions rather than implementing the self-assessment technique. The recent Indian cricket test series victory against Australia in Australia is a classic example of self-belief and a never-say-die attitude. All great achievements emanate from self-belief and a never-say-die attitude blended together. All human endeavors to succeed the aspiring person has to have immense self-belief and a never-say-die attitude to begin the foray. We are our own best connoisseurs in the world. We need to accept we have the capability and the will to venture into any endeavor. Self-belief applies to all including individuals and society at large. To harness our full potential, we have to take recourse to these two very important virtues. Many parents demoralize their children by saying that they are good for nothing. If they encourage children to develop self-belief and a never-say-die attitude they will succeed in all their endeavors. In schools, offices, and factories we find that students and employees are reprimanded in the full gaze of others leading to mortal humility. Instead of that people should be encouraged to bolster their self-belief and a never-say-die attitude as that would pay rich dividends. Rebuking in public besmirches the confidence of people and they end up doing shoddy work.

These two virtues are the best weapons in the repertoire of every person and prepare one to take on the cudgels and gauntlet thrown by the situations. Let us all resolve to give fillip and add nutrition to these plants as that would immensely help in yielding great flowers and fruits. As children, we have enough of self-belief and never-say-die ammunition but due to constant negative programming, we end up being doubters and diffident. No matter what, even if one fails, we need to prop up these two virtues as they are the lifeline for us. Millions of people die with a lot of songs in them as they lack these two virtues which would have transformed their lives and also added immense value to human society. It is research finding that giraffe kicks its newborn so that it has the self-belief to survive in the jungle with so many deadly creatures out to devour it.

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1 комментарий

Aparna Jagannath
Aparna Jagannath
20 февр. 2022 г.

Very positive and highly inspiring post. You gave excellent examples to support your views. Great blog. 👌👌👌

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