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  • examjini

Positive Ego Is Better Than Self-Pity

To have a positive ego when we do a Good Samaritan work of pulling others from dire straits is really commendable and adorable.

When we feel proud of ourselves and we express our sentiments openly some cynics may brand us as braggarts.

On the contrary we need to shower compliments on the good Samaritans as they do great good for others and they deserve that.

We need to brush it aside if they show attitude. If we feed the positive ego of those who do their bit in ameliorating the hapless it is perfectly fine.

Even selfless people do appreciate the compliments showered on them for the good work they have done. We should encourage people to do humanitarian work though that may prop up the egos of those who take immense initiatives to do good.

In case we feel offended by the positive ego of those who do good to earn a good name we need not brand them as supercilious and haughty.

In case we choose to disparage good acts as being an exercise in self-aggrandizement then very few people would come forward to help other human beings.

As human beings we love appreciation and there is no harm in having a positive ego for generous acts. This craving for adoration impels and motivates people to do good. If we have reservations about praising those who do well then we are doing the greatest disservice to humanity at large.

Having a positive ego is a virtue we need to promote and encourage as that would trigger an avalanche of good. Such people need not be lampooned and held in contempt as even the most humble people do good when their work is appreciated. We have a different set of rules for others and ourselves.

Now coming to self-pity, it is a victim syndrome that seriously affects our confidence and morale. When we wallow in self-pity we hold others responsible for our bad state of life.

We experience paranoia as we nurse the belief that others are persecuting us. Instead of taking responsibility for our lives, we blame our parents, spouse, government, stars, friends, and near and dear ones.

We seek sympathy rather than assistance. We spend our lifetimes living in a prison of our own making. We can break the fetters and fly like an eagle in the skies. This is sheer stupidity as nothing is served by this victim syndrome.

We are squandering invaluable resources endowed to us by the universe. Once we come out of this incarceration we will have a fantastic life. Self-pity makes us oblivious of the opportunities if we have a positive ego. Self-pity makes us feel we are good but others are meddling in our lives and not propping us up.

Self-pity could be because of low self-esteem. Once we break free from the clutches of this dragon self-pity we can have whatever we desire. It is like living in a dungeon and cocoon stopping the light and affluence in our lives.

Though we make others believe that we are very good and it is only those others who are destroying our lives. We need to make a paradigm shift from agonizing self-pity to a positive ego to do wonders. A positive ego boosts our self-confidence.

Self-pity is a self-imposed barrier we put for ourselves. If we keep blaming others for our plight nobody would come forward to pull us out of the quagmire of our own making.

We may study both the personalities and decide for ourselves as to which is more beneficial. It’s time we encouraged children to be free from this self-pity syndrome as it serves no purpose.

Our world would be a better place if each one of us took the responsibility for our lives rather than getting stuck in the whirlpool of self-pity.

It is our mistaken belief that ego is bad as people having positive ego do great humanitarian gestures helping millions. Statesmen have positive egos but they ameliorate the poor by taking great and noble initiatives.

There are legions of examples where the heads of government have improved the lives of millions by using their power positively and at the same time accepting the accolades.

Bye self-pity and welcome positive ego.

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