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Our Thoughts Attract Abundance, Alas Poverty As Well

By Murli Chari

One of the legendary authors Anthony Robbins termed “Thoughts are the commodity of the kings.”

Once we understand the power of thoughts we can open the lock of the treasure trove. Yet this wisdom is lost on millions and millions of people.

For this very reason, we have to be careful not to allow even a single negative thought as per the renowned author and motivational speaker Robin Sharma.

Imagine what havoc 60000 thoughts we have daily in our minds can play. We need to reward positive thoughts and penalize negative thoughts. Most of us rather than making the most of our thoughts for a magnificent life blame our stars, near and dear ones, government, economy, friends, and extraneous circumstances for the mess our lives are in.

Hold on, the magic is very simple and obvious and that is we are just a thought away from a life of great affluence, health and happiness. We need to simply affirm with full belief that “I am becoming healthy, wealthy, and happy.”

Each one of us can have all the wealth in the world as our universe is abundant way beyond our wildest imaginations and dreams. All the violence, crimes, and wars we witness are the result of our skewed thinking that we have to grab things from others to fulfill our dreams.

The simple affirmation mentioned earlier does not cost even a dime but we are skeptical about simple methods. Our affluence and fantastic life are absolutely free if we use this currency called Thought. With due respect to science, it is real that whatever thought we send to the universe multiplies millions of times.

Our lives are our responsibility, no matter what the external circumstances are. We have absolutely no control over trillions of happenings happening at any given point in time.

Paradoxically we see affluence as well as poverty in these troubled times. The affluent have positive thinking and the poor have negative thinking.

All this penury is the result of our skewed and distorted thinking. Our thoughts can either be our ally or foe depending upon our outlook.

When the whole world has thoughts of cooperation rather than the competition we would bid adieu to all the scourges of poverty, wars, hatred, anger, illiteracy, and belligerence.

Our universe has a cornucopia of buffets where everyone can have immense affluence but we all suffer from the pathological thinking of scarcity leading to a virtual scramble.

Overreliance on logical thinking sans compassion has already led to millions of people being brutally sent away from our beautiful planet. What is being propounded may look like a stupid Utopian theory.

As averred earlier we the whole mankind are just a thought away from egalitarian affluence, enduring peace, and sustained growth.

With the burgeoning progress in science and technology, we look for a complicated solution even to the simplest of problems.

It is a travesty of justice that simple things are dismissed as we are conditioned to think only complicated solutions foot the bill.

It is an earnest request to the whole of humanity to give this philosophy a fair chance to see if it works. We will not lose anything by doing that.

One of the greatest books “The Secret” by the legendary author Rhonda Byrne really reveals this secret but we will dismiss the idea as a stupid one.

We are spending billions on creating weapons of mass destruction but do not find it imperative to give these thoughts a thought. Too much logical and rational thinking has made us dull and drab as we are missing out on the fun of creativity and fantasy.

Even if we prosper we would have lost our sense of humor and humanity. The purpose here is not to discount rational and logical thinking but to make the best of both.

Our universe has given a set of organs of the same kind so that both sides of all issues are considered.

Another stellar book by Dr. Joseph Murphy “The power of your subconscious mind” has the same narrative about the power of thoughts.

Mention here another path-breaking book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill is worth mentioning. The very first word Think says a thousand things about thought.

Be generous with your thoughts and wave the magic wand to have great health, happiness, and abundance.

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Aparna Jagannath
Aparna Jagannath
May 29, 2022

Fabulous post. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I always get inspired by your positive blogs.

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