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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Nomad is “No Mad”

By Murli Chari

Nomad in the current world parlance is a person who trudges along enjoying every moment without the burden of goals, objectives, ideologies, prejudices and all other gibberish he perceives so. A nomadic way of life is very intriguing, challenging, adventurous and full of uncertainty coupled with risks. Despite all odds it’s very enjoyable and thrilling. These experiences take away one’s breath. We are always on the tenterhooks not knowing what’s in store. The modern day nomad would hop from location intra-city or inter-city looking for great tryst with adventures and thrilling experiences. He is always on the razor’s edge by jettisoning lock, stock and barrel the mundane and routine. He easily gels with rank strangers as he has no pre conceived notions based on decrepit dogmas. He is keen on tasting new cuisines, new way of life, new customs, new language et al. Most of us are battle-scared of budging even an inch on various parameters. Becoming a nomad is a great enterprising thing honing our dormant skills which are required to adapt to new environs. We are like the frog in a parable where it loses its life due to its reluctance to move out of the hot water while it is tepid. This is the common syndrome afflicting millions. Being a nomad is in no way being a rolling stone which gathers no moss. The very meaning and purpose of life is to enjoy myriads of experiences. Those who are used to living in the dungeon would never understand the beauty of life in a la fresca. Millions upon millions do not venture beyond their dilapidated houses, villages, towns, cities, countries in their whole life time due to unfounded fears. Our lives are like ships which are meant to explore the ocean rather than being moored in the shores. Life has so much in the buffet but we are reluctant due to many parochial views to have the fantasy of epicurean delight. Unless we adopt the nomadic culture we would leave this beautiful planet without fully enjoying the cornucopia of blessings. This culture is, no doubt, requires one to be a buccaneer. It is said “Fortune favors the brave”.

The paradigm of nomadic culture has a repertoire of benefits right from burgeoning humanitarian approach, compassion, peace, love, understanding and maturity. If a critical mass of people resort to this philosophy many of the chasms like parochial religious animosity, hostile nations, gender bias, warring ideologies and the legions of other biases can be bridged. A truly evolved human being is the perfect paragon of a nomadic human being. Going forward, sooner than later we have to adopt this paradigm to rid the world of many scourges of carnage, hatred, poverty, illiteracy and crimes. A nomad is a very dynamic person leap-frogging to experiment with innovative ideas. This ideology can immensely benefit in the rapid evolution of human beings. Far too long we have not broken the fetters of tethering to land and its appendages which are holding us back from a glorious life. Most of the crimes, family feuds are due mainly to disputes regarding ownership of the land. It’s a clarion call to all to take to nomadic culture to savor the entirety of human life. Land still makes us perpetrate crimes as it possesses us rather than us possessing it. Whole of human societies’ economy culture and varied activities revolve around land. This obsession has kept us in shackles resulting in our inability to soar in the skies like a majestic eagle. We are the only species in the world which has clipped its own wings.

With so much quantum leap going in the domain of science and technology we need not get embroiled in the land-dominated culture. As per Napoleon Hill the legendary author of Think and Grow Rich more gold has been mined from the minds of human beings than from the gold mines. This is the most opportune moment to latch on to the bandwagon of nomadic culture as ameliorates our lives beyond our wildest dreams. Knowledge is the new democratic capital which can be leveraged by all and it’s evangelistic. Nomads of the primordial time and that of the modern era are different as now we have everything to prop us up.

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Aparna Jagannath
Aparna Jagannath
Apr 25, 2022

Very beautiful and interesting thoughts. Awesome! Always keep posting positive blogs like these.

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