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Nine To Five is On The Way Out

By murlichari

With the advent of industrialization in the 18th-century workers were required to work for more than 12 hours.

Subsequently, due to the Chicago convention, the working hours were reduced. Millions upon millions of people grudgingly and reluctantly go to their workplaces and literally slog through the regimen without putting their heart and soul into whatever they are doing.

Most people go through the grind and feel miserable. They do not enjoy what they are doing. This is a great tragedy as this reluctance does not serve anyone’s purpose.

The employer, employee, and all other stakeholders do not benefit from this arrangement. Millions and millions dread going to the office after the weekend holidays.

Most people suffer a heart attack on a Monday around 9 to 10 AM as they hate going to their workplace. Everyone is under stress and duress.

With the advent of new technologies, now it is possible to work from home. This would save a lot of traveling time and exposure to pollution and traffic snarls.

It has been observed that productivity has gone up since people have been working from home during the lockdown due to corona. It saves a lot of time, energy, and money.

Offices have saved a lot of money spent on big premises by way of rent, electricity, and maintenance.

As far as possible globally we can cut down on travel, fuel, and pollution. This will have a salutary effect on health.

The philosophy of working 9 to 5 is no more tenable. Most of the employees are reluctant customers. Most of the employees just while away their time.

There is a need for a paradigm shift in the arrangement. The 9 to 5 regime is a passe. If everyone opts for the entrepreneurial route the world would be a better place.

When one works for oneself, one does a lot of work as the benefit accrues to him/her. This regimen leads to a colossal waste of time.

Instead of permanent jobs, there needs to be a contract and the compensation should be performance-based. The present dispensation warrants working for a specific period of time daily. So, the employees while away their time and productivity is the first casualty.

Paying by results would trigger an avalanche of new ideas from employees. There would be no need for supervision which everyone abhors. A lot of wastage can be mitigated. Then there would be huge opportunities to create affluence for themselves and others. This would open the floodgates of prosperity and peace.

With the advent of much cutting-edge technology, the need for many jobs would be redundant. It would be better for all of us to embrace new technologies.

New technologies are great leverages. Now, many things can be done in a few hours which used to take months.

In all domains, technology is making things easier. However, those who are tech-savvy can do wonders. It's time the whole of mankind takes to new technologies as that augur well for humanity.

We need to teach computers to the whole of humanity as otherwise, they would meet the same fate as dinosaurs. Even those who are technically competent earn far more income than those who are stuck in the traditional methods.

In a job, however much our salaries are we cannot live a brilliant life. Jobs have many limitations such as paucity of time and money. There is very little freedom as far as time and money go.

Fortunately, there are many domains these days that can enable us to earn two hours a day more than what we earn in a typical 10 hours working regimen.

Even one unique talent can be showcased to a global audience earning us millions of dollars.

If we really are serious about our affluence and luxurious life entrepreneurship is the only way out.

Whilst in jobs we need to use our leisure time to develop our unique talents which if harnessed can take us to cherished destiny. Job is the acronym for just over broke.

If we want to besmirch the scourge of poverty, we have to bid adieu to 9 to 5 jobs. We need to treat human life as worth billions.

We are all short-selling ourselves. There is no other option but to quit our jobs and board the plane to freedom and luxury.

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