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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Affluence with Peace by Murli Chari

It's time we human beings realize the futility of involuntarily getting dragged into the rat race causing humongous damage to our well being mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

causing humongous damage to our well being mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Competition brings out the worst of everyone as everyone is out to besmirch the other due to market dynamics where only the most intelligent and powerful thrive. Competition, no doubt, benefits the customer but it boils down to unethical and unscrupulous practices. Competition emanates from scarcity mentality which compels everyone to scramble for the illusionary meagre resources. This skewed paradigm makes us believe unless we cut corners, we cannot make profits vital for our survival. Many people become bankrupt as they are unable to sustain the pressure. We all need to promote value-based economy rather than money-based economy where chicanery, manipulation and fleecing is practiced. Wealth can be created without resorting to unethical means.

We need to understand that all businesses are for human beings and not the other way round. Each one of us has immense potential which we need to identify and gift it to the world. Affluence with peace can be achieved if we all shed our biases of religion, nation, race, gender, color, and ideology. The bountiful resources endowed to us by the marvelous universe is squandered on destructive purposes. We have all the wherewithal to create a paradise on earth ensuring affluence with peace. Needless, wars and skirmishes promote acrimony and squandering of valuable resources. Human beings are the only species embroiled in perpetrating carnage to get rid of its own species for specious reasons. It is said poverty everywhere is a threat to prosperity anywhere. We need to coalesce all our resources to remove the scourges of poverty, pestilence, illiteracy, and belligerence. We human beings are like cannibals devouring its own species. We human beings squander humongous energies in negative thoughts, arguing, fighting, and worrying. If we channelize all our energies in the positive direction egalitarian affluence is not a utopian dream.

We have and can develop technologies to harness abundant energies in the sprawling universe. Egalitarian affluence will promote a salubrious human society transcending all parochial confines leading to a brilliant human society. The current paradigm of dog-eat-dog culture is absolute gibberish as it has a myopic view that we must succeed at the cost of others. It’s a travesty of justice that despite all the wisdom we are resorting to mayhem and carnage to make a fortune. Fortunes can be made by creating fortunes for others can be given a chance. The desperate attempt to make profits at any cost leads to exploitation of employees and customers. Business without ethics is nothing short of prostitution. Profits, no doubt, are vital for sustenance of a business venture but it should be incidental to great value addition to all stakeholders. We need to switch from me to we are meaning turning it upside down. Competition involves squandering valuable resources as competing companies overproduce than what the consumers demand. Affluence created by creating for others makes our lives peaceful as we have literally no enemies.

For all this to happen we need to move from Narcissism to minimalistic lives. Not that, we must abjure enjoying comforts and luxuries of life. Creating affluence by being overly ambitious creates stress and misery for one and all. Affluence with peace enjoins all of us to be more human-centric in all our interactions and unbiased approach on all parameters. I fervently appeal to all to come together and create a wonderful world as we are living in the best of times and not pay attention to the dooms day prophets who are fishing in troubled waters. We all share the same heritage as it has taken millions of years of evolution for the universe to bring all of us to the current stature. It is also our bounden responsibility to leave a better legacy for many future generations. We have collective wisdom, knowledge, and sagacity but we are having a hubris which is far bigger than the universe itself. Individual brilliance may be fine but collective brilliance is far more beneficial. We must raise ourselves from self-centeredness to altruism which would make our lives much more magnificent way beyond our wildest dreams.

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