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Man is above fate

By Murli Chari

Beware of the chicaneries and shenanigans of the charlatans posing as crystal-gazers. Innumerable astrologers, numerologists, tarot readers, and palmists are thriving on the millions of gullible masses who are seeking solutions for their vexatious problems.

The whole foundation for all these dubious sciences is that distant stars and planets run our lives. This is a big business throughout the world.

It is not amply clear as to how stars and planets millions of miles away can run our day-to-day affairs. They are after all inanimate things. How can they have varying effects on myriad individuals?

At the core of the belief is our curiosity to know the unknown future in advance. We feel secure if the predictions are in our favor. Each one of us believes that if the measures suggested by the crystal-gazers are adopted our problems will be solved.

We want to be multi-millionaires by managing the effects of planets and stars without even having to move our little fingers. Superstitions are inherent in our nature since primordial days.

The fear of the future is at the heart of the problems. Everything flows through the path of least resistance. If such an easy option is available why work. Many times the predictions, particularly negative ones, have deep impact and we attract the worst events by believing the predictions.

Many times the dubious professionals to extract and fleece the unsuspecting people suggest costly and prohibitive solutions. There are many pragmatic and effective solutions other than the ones suggested by the quacks which have great results. Most of the quacks in these domains are the reason for the gloom and doom in afflicted people.

We can read good books, consult expert counselors, and understand those who have solved similar problems. There are many instances of many people dying due to predictions. That thought made them think they are going to die. Once this prediction takes root in the subconscious then we attract those things. Many people predicted that the world would come to an end in 1982 as the planetary positions were indicating that.

Once in a while the predictions come true mere coincidences and nothing else. I would like to aver many of the predictions made for me turned out to be hoaxes. I dismissed the predictions then and there.

We should accept everything with a pinch of salt and gingerly. If it suits our purpose then there is no harm and if it does not then better to shelve it. Why would millions of people spend their time, money, and energy on learning skills, knowledge, and crafts when easy options are available? So many people invest millions of rupees in businesses, technology, and infrastructure, and here people are talking about planetary positions.

Even if there is a gain of truth in these specious sciences of crystal-gazing it would make people lethargic by leaving everything to fate. That would not augur well for humanity as a whole.

If the protagonists of these occult sciences are so sanguine then let them accept the challenge and prove that it is just like other organized science. If they win let us accept the defeat gracefully as many heartburns and misery can be avoided if they prove to be a boon.

At least to some extent, palmistry may have a modicum of truth as it may be a graphic representation of our DNAs. Any cursory glance at the lines on various hands we would observe they are as unique as our fingerprints.

We cannot outright dismiss anything unless we have concrete evidence. Hence we have to give the benefit of the doubt to all the esoteric sciences. We need not take a belligerent countenance as many old theories are proving to be right.

However, there is a need for sustained scrutiny of facts and fiction. We need not be in strictly two camps. As human beings, we need to make the best use of all the resources.

Let us once and for all delve deep into the arcane mysteries. Let not our left-brained hubris outright dismiss something which may be of immense help.

Many of the things done in the yester years defy logical explanation. Various beautiful structures like the Egyptian Pyramid, Indian Temples, and Moslem architecture are evidence enough to understand ancient.

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