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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Life becomes wonderful with both logic and magic.

By Murli Chari

Human life, for that matter all lives and the whole splendorous universe is sheer magic. The cornucopia of blessings and endowments bestowed on us by the munificent and wondrous universe is the manifestation of magic. We need the eyes of awe and wonder of a child to appreciate the magic called existence. Our own being viz. mind, body and spirit are work of magic. It has taken billions of years for the universe to create the wonderful planet. Water is, probably, one of the most magical element which needs special gratitude in the sense nothing can sustain without water. Water is such a wonderful thing that any amount of reverence and gratitude would not be enough. With the help of various disciplines of science we have deciphered the brilliance of our human mechanism. Trillions of cells work in tandem to keep us alive. Each of our organs are a work of ultimate magic. Sleep itself is a great wonder and keeps us vibrant. Researchers have averred that our brains have more synapses than the number of heavenly bodies in the infinite universe. We are so used to our system that we do not appreciate the beauty of our being. It is said that our brains can hold all the information contained in the books of the entire world libraries. Even the entire work of universe is magic beyond our wildest imagination. One of the greatest scientific minds, Albert Einstein, said everything in the universe is a miracle if so thought and not a miracle if you think so. Consider child birth, the blooming flowers, the myriad life forms, flora, fauna, oceans, mountains and the legions of other elements are phenomenal manifestation supreme magic. Broaching on the role played by logic we have to concede that also is magic. Logic has a paramount role in most of the human endeavors. Even the universe runs on some logic. The natural and physical laws are based on sound logic. Entire science is based on sound logic. May it be the working of computers, space travel, aircrafts, and a legion of

gadgets? Most of our human activities work on logic which cannot be deviated from. Gravitational pull, orbit of the planets, atoms, DNA and the myriad of other things rely on logic. Logic aids us in understanding shrouding the universe and the working of so many natural phenomena. Logic has helped us in improving the quality of our lives. Even understanding the wonders of magic we need logic. Logic has helped humanity to understand the mechanism of universe. Magic also needs the foundation of logic to withstand the vagaries of nature. It would be in our interest to blend both magic and logic to derive immense benefits. Logic and magic together acts as an alchemy to turn ordinary things into extraordinary. When we partake of logic and magic is like having the cake and eat it too. We can and need to have the flavor of both. Just like we need both the legs to walk we need logic and magic to make balanced progress. We need to use both as we need to use both the left and right part of our brains. They complement each other like two wheels of a motorcycle. Most of the people use only rational mind with the exclusion of the right which creates magic. An analogy of sun whose rays have both light and heat which sustain life on earth. We in the early days have paid a heavy price of totally relying on magic alone without the advantage of logic. In modern days we are paying a huge price of too much reliance on logic which has led to hubris and avarice disturbing the delicate ecological balance imperiling entire life on our beautiful planet. Instead of squandering our vital energies debating the importance of either we need to blend both to reap rich dividends. Relying on magic alone makes us grope in the dark with the crutches of blind faith is disastrous and relying on logic alone leads to hedonism and devastation. Now, we are wise enough to understand that we have to make use of both to create a salubrious human society.

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Aparna Jagannath
Aparna Jagannath
20 de mar. de 2022

Always love reading your posts. They are very interesting and thought provoking. The best part is they are so optimistic and cheerful that one can't help but enjoy reading them.

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