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Joy of living on the wire

This thrill of living on the wire is an exclusive preserve of a handful of people.

Only those who live on the wire live to the brim. They exude phenomenal confidence and courage. They by their daring acts blaze the trail time and again.

Alexander the Great conquered most parts of the world at a very young age. He died at the age of around his early thirties. He would be despised for his adventurism and violence.

Jesus Christ became a rage and controversy for living on the wire preaching things contrary to popular religion. He was crucified for being dangerous at a very young age of around 33.

In many fields, we have mavericks who challenged the traditional beliefs like Galileo who declared that the earth goes around the sun and not the other way round as stated by the holy bible.

Charles Darwin wrote Origin of Species which went against the biblical gospel that the world was created by God. He theorized that it was an evolution that is responsible for creating the modern human being.

Dr. Helen Keller who had multiple afflictions did adorable things declaring that life is nothing but an adventure. Life is meant to be an odyssey as a buccaneer to unravel the mysterious.

Living on the wire involves physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and moral acrobatics. However, most of us are living a dull life doing mundane and routine meaningless chores.

We are living like zombies. Unless we challenge our limits we will never our true potential. Living on the wire involves walking on the cable joining two precipices involving great danger to our lives.

We will make the best use of a cornucopia of talents only when we live on the wire.

When we live like this there is an avalanche of exuberance, thrill, and exhilaration. Millions upon millions of people do not unwrap the immense gifts endowed to them. This kind of living makes the best use of all our resources.

We squander our resources by not stretching ourselves to the limit. It is an earnest request to the readers to read the novel “Veronica Decides to Die” by Paulo Coelho. The heroine is deliberately told that she has only a few months to live. So she decides to live with thrill and adventure. However, later on, she is told about the deliberate lie told by her mentor.

The courageous always accept the gauntlet thrown by the universe with alacrity as they prefer losing their lives by living on the wire rather than living insipid lives.

Each one of us has the potential to live on the wire if we muster enough courage and enterprise.

This essence can be used in all the facets of our lives like education, business, sports, employment, and relationships et al to great advantage.

We need to promote this culture in our children from a tender age. Those who go for trekking scaling mountains, venturing into the wild forests, and adventure sports enjoy the thrill.

When life is put at huge risk we have breath-taking moments which are forever etched in our memories. Each time we put ourselves on the wire we discover the huge potential within ourselves.

It would be a memorable era when each one of us lives this essence as we would have created a wonderful world.

It’s a travesty of fate that millions upon millions of people are born, live like a zombie, and go to graveyards.

George Bernard Shaw said that ordinary people are reasonable and conform to the diktats of the society and the unreasonable man defies the societal laws.

Only unreasonable man contributes phenomenally to society. We need everyone to break the glass ceiling and do the impossible which is a myth promoted by the average and mediocre.

If each one of us lives by this essence and creates great miracles we would be paying the greatest tribute to the magnificent and abundant universe and divinity.

To on the wire would bring out all the brilliant talents lying dormant within our beings.

We have to encourage and reward those who take on the bulls by their horns to accomplish feats way beyond our wildest dreams. We should empty ourselves before we die.

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Aparna Jagannath
Aparna Jagannath
May 08, 2022

A really wonderful post. Your optimism and zeal for life motivates me to look upto you for inspiration.

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