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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Humanity is the best religion

Even if all the man-made religions are discarded and only humanity is promoted as the only religion then we would be doing the greatest service to divinity. Religions have become moribund and creating more hatred among humans. The whole of humanity needs to shed its biases of religion, caste, race, nationality, gender, and all other things and embrace the only religion of humankind. Humanity encompasses the whole of living, and non-living beings to create a salubrious and humane society. The world has already paid a heavy price for killing millions of people during two world wars. It is sheer stupidity and human hubris that has been the singular cause of genocide. The benevolent Universe has bestowed on us a cornucopia of blessings that are being taken for granted and squandered. Human avarice and hatred have resulted in macabre carnage. We need to deploy our energy, money, resources, and time for constructive purposes. Even a country that is poor is spending millions of dollars on piling up arms. Even if a small measure of resources is deployed to human development, we would ameliorate the plight of millions of hapless human beings. Warring human beings on the one hand have achieved phenomenal success on various frontiers like science and technology. It's time we integrated science and religion, the true one of humanity, for the benefit of all.

Unfortunately, humanity is sacrificed at the altar of business, hatred, and violence. Most religions are engaged in a slugfest trying to outbeat others and claiming that theirs is the only supreme religion. The essence of humanity is forgotten and needless blood shedding is taking place in the name of religion. All the obsolete traditions and archaic tenets are playing havoc with human lives. How so much carnage takes place all in the name of God. How can there be different Gods for different sets of people? Religious heads and followers are so touchy that even a trifle blasphemy triggers so much violence, bloodbath, and devastation. The current war between Hamas, Palestinians, and Israel is needless. No doubt, Hamas created the skirmish by carrying out a terror attack but the retaliation by Israel is way beyond the needed punishment. In all these, it’s the humanity which is most affected. The fanatic religious approach is taking a heavy toll on the lives of human beings. If at all there is an almighty, he would not permit all the violence perpetrated by his devout followers in his name.

It's time we all human beings decide on a common minimum manifesto that is free from biases of religion, race, caste, nation, gender, and continent that would help burgeon humanitarian essence. We human beings have already paid a humongous price defending our religions, nation, race, caste, and gender. We all human beings share the same planet. Now, science and technology are at a stage where they can deliver human beings of many scourges. It’s been more than 4.5 billion years since life came on earth. We human beings are being morons not to realize together we can live in utter abundance rather than squandering precious resources on frivolous things. We have piled up immense warheads to destroy the planet more than seven times. Our parochial and sectarian view has resulted in perennial wars. We need to integrate science and religion to create a salubrious and humane society creating egalitarian affluence for the whole of mankind. We human beings need to coalesce all our time, money, energy, and resources to create paradise on Earth as that is feasible and not a pipe dream. The prevailing atmosphere is pernicious and this could culminate in a full-fledged war that would destroy the planet permanently. This is sheer stupidity. Let us all commit to peace, progress, well-being, and affluence to the whole world as well as restore environmental harmony. We need to nurture nature to secure the future. Once we put in place humanity everything will fall in place. We all need to take baby steps towards bringing sanity to the troubled world. Crass commercialization is the result of a money-oriented society. We need to change the paradigm to a value-based society. After all, all businesses are for human beings and not the other way around.

Murli Chari


19th August 2024


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