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How To Flourish In The New Age Of Science And Technology

By Murli Chari

There are so many new opportunities in modern times that each one of us can become billionaires in no time.

We do not need fancy degrees and skills. Even one niche talent is enough to become a billionaire. In the earlier regime to start a business, one has to be rich enough to set up a business.

In the new era, one good idea is enough to make a billion. With science and technology making rapid progress we cannot complain about the dearth of opportunities.

Once we embrace the new technology through social media it would be a surprise if we fail. It is our skewed thinking which stops us from taking on the arduous task of making money.

If you identify one single niche talent then you can leverage social media to add value to millions of people. Even a wafer-thin margin can attract huge affluence.

We need not have qualms of conscience while making tons of money. The entire world is at our disposal to make huge money.

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala started investing in the stock market with very little and now he is worth more than 5000 crore rupees.

There are legions of examples of start-ups that have become unicorns in a brief period of time. It is our fear and doubt which stops us from harnessing our talents to the advantage of the world at large and ourselves.

In the new knowledge economy, everybody has a democratic opportunity to make billions. A little brainstorming is all that is needed. Even those of us who are in the traditional jobs of 9 to 5 can develop our business in our leisure time through our leisure time hobbies.

Taking baby steps will in a short time prepare us to capitalize on reaching out to millions of people who need our services and products.

We need to shed our laziness and fear to take on the Goliath which due to its size is vulnerable to being an easy target.

In these days of rapid technological progress, we should make the most of the opportunities. Each one of us is endowed with immense talents which can be harnessed for the benefit of the world at large and ourselves.

If millions upon millions resort to being an entrepreneur through technology our world would be a Garden of Eden.

Technology and science have opened the floodgates of affluence for all willing hearts. We are in the realms of possibility to do the impossible.

We need to shake off our laziness and fear of criticism to embark upon this endeavor. Science and technology have to be treated as our allies rather than foes.

If each one of us brings out the best within one us then there would be no poverty and violence. It is only a matter of attitude and awareness that makes all the difference.

The world leaders must take science and technology to the remotest villages as science and technology have the potential to create miracles.

The industrial economy was heavily loaded against the bulk of the population but the knowledge economy is very democratic.

Even the least privileged person can create humongous wealth sheerly on his merits. We need to invest heavily in disseminating knowledge as the returns are magnificent.

With so much on the platter like the internet of things, robotics, artificial intelligence, social media, data mining, and blockchain technology we can literally make the entire world populace into emperors.

It's time we discarded the old doctrines and create a world of abundance. There are still many who do not understand technology and science much to the chagrin of the wise.

The widening gap between the rich and the poor is the level of adoption of science and technology. This chasm has to be bridged as we are sitting upon a volcano that may erupt and cause widespread devastation.

Science and technology are the commodities of kings. The rapid movement can leave many in the lurch if they fail to adapt.

Science and technology have immense potential to rid the world of many scourges like poverty, illiteracy, and illness. It’s a clarion call to all the Good Samaritans to accept the gauntlet and bring about a catharsis through science and technology.

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