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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Happiness is the prime focus of all human beings

The very purpose of human life is happiness through various means. It is our natural state of being. However, most of the times we end up doing things which run contrary to this. Our skewed outlook on this makes us engage ourselves in amassing wealth at the cost of our

health and happiness. We place our happiness contingent on certain things happening or getting objects of our desire. By doing this we make our happiness conditional. Handing over the remote of our happiness to external forces is ridiculous and uncertain. There is no

way to happiness, but happiness is the way. Every moment is replete with loads of happiness. However, we keep postponing our happiness in the false hope that we will happier moments in the future. It is always a continuum of present moment in our lives.

Happiness can be found in small or trivial things and does not warrant huge amounts to be spent to acquire it. An innocent smile on the face of a child, watching the chirping birds, watching the beautiful sunrise and sunset, having a cup of tea at a roadside stall with our bosom friends and so many other things can provide instantaneous happiness. We are most of the times feel once we are through school education, college education, getting a plush job, getting married, post retirement and such events we will be happy. Happiness is

always at our beck and call but we seek it in the illusory future.

Happiness is in abundance within us and does not depend on external factors. Neither it depends on others. We can be as happy as we make up our minds to be. Happiness is something like a butterfly which quietly settles on us rather than we are chasing it which is as

good as going wild goose chase. We need to understand that hoarding wealth, luxuries, and comforts are no guarantee for happiness.

Millions upon millions get addicted to various vices in the false hope that they will get perennial happiness. However, these vices create more problems than they give. Alcoholism, cigarette smoking, chasing women, amassing wealth through unethical means are sure recipe for our abysmal nadir. Happiness can be ensured by creating healthy

relationships with all the humanity without bias. Even our relationships with other living, non-living things and the whole of universe can ensure a cornucopia of happiness. In our pursuit of happiness, we commit inhumane crimes in the mistaken belief that money can ensure a fountain of happiness. It is our collective madness to seek happiness at any cost and is the solitary reason for all the misery in the world. When happiness is spread it burgeons and

helps in creating a salubrious human society. Narcissism and hedonism in pursuit of happiness is taking us to the precipice. There is enough and to spare for all of us if we stop seeking happiness and allowing it to descend on us. It is a famous adage that happiness is a

state of mind. It is a hackneyed phrase which is not put to practice by enough of us.

True happiness emanates from virtues and compassion. The whole treasure trove of happiness depends on the inner magic. When we look outside, we dream and when we look within, we awake. We all must commit to the happiness of all and not happiness for ourselves

at the cost of others. Living in the present and accepting the situations as they arise can create an affluence of happiness with peace. Happiness does not necessarily depend on material riches but a balance of all human endowments. We are the only species which can

bring blessings or curses. Human beings have the potential to turn our beautiful planet into a Garden of Eden or a veritable hell. It’s a clarion call to the whole humanity to bring peace, progress, and prosperity to the entire populace to enjoy eternal happiness.

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