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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari


By Murli Chari

Our subconscious mind does not distinguish between reality and illusion. Whatever our conscious mind tells it, the subconscious believes it to be true. It is like fertile soil which accepts any seed and assists it in germinating leading to growing to give flowers, fruits, crops et al. Our subconscious mind is a treasure trove of information, knowledge, experiences, understanding and the wisdom to run our bodies without our conscious involvement. Our subconscious mind is like an iceberg underneath the water and the external minnows is the conscious mind. The conscious mind can easily fool the subconscious mind to believe the imaginary and unreal thing as it lacks rational thinking. However, it has immense power to bring to fruition whatever the conscious mind dictates. Once the subconscious mind accepts the command blended with strong emotion it creates circumstances, events and people with the help of universe to make it a reality. So it is imperative that the conscious mind must be very clear in its request it places with our subconscious. There is a famous aphorism “It is better to have an army of donkeys led by lion rather than an army of lions lead by the donkey.”

Our subconscious mind thinks in pictures and dynamic movie. We must vividly see ourselves as doing desired things and believe all the motions. When we learn to successfully fool our subconscious mind we can achieve whatever we want with joy and ease. It is a myth that we have to have a grueling regimen to fulfill our dreams. We have to keep on fooling persistently eventually leading to our believing the bluff. Once the idea is firmly ensconced in our subconscious mind our minds become like a powerful magnet attracting whatever we desire. According to ancient wisdom and mythologies the whole universe was created by thoughts. Most of the magnificent and great mirabilias in the world were once a figment of imagination. Faking till we make it is an oft-repeated quote to lend credence to this strategy. Once we successfully fake and start believing it to be true with encouragement from our near and dear ones we achieve the impossible. Everything in the world is created twice. Once in our minds, where it is just a fake thing, and then created outside. All neuro linguistic programming is based on this premise. An exhortation that after few affirmations, though fake, we need to believe them to be true to attain the goal. In the initial stages even we would act as internecine saboteurs leave alone others. Most of the Olympian champions like Roger Banister, Michael Phelps to name a few must have resorted to this trick of faking success. The legendary scientists like Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein who were branded as morons must have tricked their subconscious minds. Don’t scoff at this simple placebo as fake lest you should lose one of the most pragmatic strategy to create a life of your dreams. Our logical and rational minds may find this as hokum and gibberish and would be too keen to consign it to the dustbin of bullshit. No doubt, in the initial stages you would cast aspersions on this simple not naïve strategy. However, it is advised to build castles in the air to eventually build foundation underneath. This is vintage wine which would keep you inebriated in a positive sense. There is absolutely no harm in dabbling with this idea as we have nothing to lose except our chains as Lenin would have put it. This whole endeavor of faking till making would save lot of toil and heartburn if we were to follow the beaten and oft trodden path of hard work and use of rational mind. Furthermore it is not going to cost us a fortune to give it a fair chance. This would provide a great fillip to unleash the enormous energies, talents and potential lying hidden within millions of hapless human beings.

This simple yet profound idea is easy to implement having immense potential to create a congenial global human society ridding the untrammeled scourge of poverty, violence, illiteracy, crimes, hatred and carnage. This could be a panacea for many ills afflicting our modern world.

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Aparna Jagannath
Aparna Jagannath
Apr 18, 2022

Very beautiful explanation.

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