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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Follow Your Bliss

By Murli Chari

Most of us are in the wrong jobs just to pay the bills and go through the grind making everyone including ourselves miserable. Each day is heavy on us and we go through the motions like a zombie. Millions of people come to life and go to their graveyards with lot of unsung songs in us as we do not follow our bliss. Following our bliss will make our lives gorgeous creating miracles and magic for the benefit of thousands. Doing routine and mundane chores mechanically does not serve any purpose. Most of us do not put our heart and soul into whatever we are doing as they are doing things reluctantly. Flow creates mirabilia and weaves a tapestry of magic. Most of the extraordinary people who are the best in the arena follow their bliss. When we follow our bliss an avalanche of energy is released and we wield a magic wand. Each one of us has humongous potential and a treasure trove of talents which gets unleashed when we follow our bliss. We must go where our hearts go. Human history is replete with legions of live examples of greatness of people who created history by dint of their following their bliss. Following our bliss removes all the mental blocks and we are more than willing to put all our energies and time into what we are at. Initially following the bliss would be very onerous and arduous and would hardly generate the income needed to survive. However, once we are on a roll there would be phenomenal avalanche of affluence. This resource is very difficult to earn in our learning and formative years. We are compelled to learn the subjects we abhor. If right from our childhood days we are given the opportunity to select the subjects we love we would reach the apogee of our glory. In fact, nobody on the earth has a right to impose things on us. We have the legitimate privilege to do whatever we love provided we do not encroach upon the freedom of others. We cannot excel in things we find abominable. We need to allow everyone to follow their bliss as that would create geniuses aplenty. As a result we would enjoy déjà vu.

Following the bliss would create bonhomie and camaraderie. The incidental benefit would be all around euphoria and exuberance thus connecting us to the perennial and abundant source of cosmic energy. We would be able to create great climes in schools, offices, and factories as the need to impose external discipline would be superfluous and redundant. The happiness that would prevail would produce extraordinary results benefitting millions of people. The apt analogy would be that of a superconductor element which allows the flow of electricity with least resistance creating levitation. That would be the moment of reckoning. All these are in the realms of possibility. We need to make a paradigm shift to give this a chance to flourish. In a magical stroke all the scourges of humanity like poverty, hunger, illiteracy and violence would be done away with and a sense of goodwill would prevail to set the ball rolling for peace, progress and prosperity for one and all. We can take a cue from Mother Nature where the grass, buds and myriad of other things evolve with great ease. There is no struggle evident in the scheme of things in nature.

Emerging technologies can provide the right environs for a salubrious and congenial human society where there is harmony and organic growth. We would all glow like a blooming flower exuding fragrance around creating a rapturous ambiance. There are no dearth of talents in the world to create a Garden of Eden on the planet Earth. We are awfully constrained by our skewed beliefs, dogmatic religions, ideologies and parochial thinking. We need to besmirch all the limiting beliefs and set the trail on blaze unleashing the limitless potential lying dormant in the recesses of our minds. For all these to happen we need to shed our biases, hubris and avarice. This is not a Utopian dream but a very pragmatic and sensible plan. It’s a clarion call to all to make it a reality for this would create riches beyond our wildest dreams.

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