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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Enjoy life without guilt and addiction.

Human life is the greatest gift to be thoroughly enjoyed without feeling remorse or addiction. Religions play spoil sport by making us believe that it is a sin to enjoy life by way of coercion and punishment. Just the contrarian view to enjoy with gay abandon is also pernicious. At the

one end of spectrum is guilt and the other end is hedonism and narcissism. We tie the nuptial knots but still feel guilty of committing sin by enjoying the conjugal bliss. This is egregious and vitiates the very essence of life. As aptly quoted by Osho the maverick “The religious

pundits create schizophrenia in human beings”. We need to be in the moment whilst enjoying without any feeling of guilt. Otherwise the vestiges of the disturbed experience will cast its shadow for days to come. This will exacerbate our craving and frustration. The pseudo

religious pundits make the gullible devotees to feel guilty for enjoying their lives so that they can exploit them. The very purpose of life is enjoyment as intended by the Mother Nature. Most of the religious tenets browbeat their devotees to go against the very essence of life.

Once we feel guilty about enjoyment we stop others also from enjoying their lives. Gradually we become cynical and sadists. We have different ways to enjoy depending upon the stage of our lives. In childhood, we enjoy playing whole day without bothering to study. In the youth we love to enjoy life by loafing around with friends, partying, flirting and indulging in boozing and smoking. When we marry we become more responsible about our lives and careers. Later on we enjoy advising and whiling away our time in leisurely activities.

Enjoyment of life is our legitimate privilege and we need to thoroughly enjoy. However, we need to exercise a modicum of caution not to cross the line. We also need to make sure we do not encroach upon the freedom of others and also not endanger the lives of others as well as ourselves as that would turn into a needless tragedy. A life without enjoyment would be insipid and meaningless. Then we would be as drab as the phantoms and apparitions. We need to squeeze out all the juice there is in our lives. When we feel guilty whilst having enjoyment we are disparaging and holding nature in contempt. Mother Nature intended us to enjoy life in all its glory by showering a cornucopia of blessings. We need to make sure that our enjoyments are healthy and life positive. Enjoyment need not be an extravagant thing entailing tons of money. There are many simpler joys in our lives. Watching a rising sun, setting sun, birds flying, sea waves, smiling faces of children and the myriad other things. We must make sure our enjoyment should not lead to remorse nor we should resort to inhumane things exploiting others for our joy. Enjoying at the cost of others has to be avoided at any cost.

It’s high time we give enjoyment of human life to its hilt due credence by removing the stigma of sin and guilt attached to it. A life bereft of enjoyment is insipid and drab. Human life is the crowning glory of nature as aptly described by William Shakespeare. Of late the very definition of joy has undergone a catharsis and it means over indulging in things which give pleasure rather than joy which is very sublime and graceful. Carnal desires are unduly glamorized. Enjoyment must not prove to be inimical to our mind, body and spirit. Splurging money on luxuries, gizmos, fancy items just for the heck of it and an ego- bolstering exercise is certainly not enjoyment of the highest order. Many people perceive enjoyment as pleasure-seeking. Enjoyment can be derived from listening to great music, watching a great dance,

watching a superb movie, watching a great game of football, reading a great piece of literature, reading a profound book and legions of other events which may not involve much spending. We must encourage people to enjoy life without any sense of remorse but avoid getting attached. We must remove all the myths and misconceptions about enjoyment and encourage people to enjoy life to the fullest.

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Nirbhay Shastry
Nirbhay Shastry
Jun 09, 2022

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