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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Enjoy bliss by dismantling all beliefs

Most of our beliefs have been handed over to us by our parents and ancestors, as well as ideologies, books, media, and religious doctrines. All the beliefs need to be tested in the cauldron of reality. Otherwise, these beliefs would not allow us to understand true and false. Millions of people are born and die without realizing that their beliefs may have been illusory. Most human beings are so intoxicated with beliefs that they commit crimes and violence just because they believe in certain dogmas. Religious fanaticism engenders beliefs that may be false. We always get evidence of what we are looking for based on our belief system. Most of the beliefs emanating from religious texts are most of the time superstitious. Any opposition to the religious beliefs is treated as blasphemy. Science has time and again busted the myths shrouding religious beliefs. A thought heard time and again creates a permanent abode in our minds. It is very difficult to eradicate such beliefs which may be inimical. Even though new information busting the myth comes up beliefs keep living merrily. Due to social recrimination, many are scared to challenge their beliefs in the public domain.


Beliefs make us intransigent and recalcitrant leading to needless carnage and violence. Once inebriated with beliefs people do not even shudder to kill other human beings. Every human being is innately innocent and falls prey to his mistaken beliefs. Many of the vices like smoking, boozing, and dressing obscenely engender the false beliefs that it is chic to have these habits. Beliefs make us either divine or devil depending upon the quality of beliefs. Beliefs make us look at the world through the prism of beliefs. No one is sure as to the veracity of beliefs. We must allow children to learn naturally rather than foisting our ideas and beliefs on them. Beliefs take away our spontaneity and humanity. We must leave it to the individuals to have their own beliefs after logically and rationally analyzing them. A scientific approach to beliefs would pave the way to a salubrious human society. Beliefs have phenomenal power to shape our lives and destinies. Political parties, media both social and commercial, books, teachers, ideologies, and many other sources plant the beliefs with a hidden agenda. Intoxicated with beliefs many humans behave brutally. Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and a host of other dictators believed that theirs’ was the only right belief and committed genocide. Millions and millions of innocent human beings were decimated for no fault of theirs. Beliefs are most of the time irrational and illogical but have a great sway and appeal to the gullible masses. Many terrorists are brainwashed to believe that they are fighting for a just cause. Beliefs are just like software on a computer. They can always be replaced by saner beliefs. Frenzied mobs commit heinous crimes egged on by a fanatic belief system. Even the most educated people fall prey to the shenanigans of the charlatans. When we are free from obnoxious and insidious beliefs we enjoy supreme joy.

We need to besmirch all anti-life and anti-humane beliefs which are ominous and dangerous to mankind. Mankind may be the only species on the planet that destroys their tribes guided by dangerous belief systems. We need to revamp our education system by inculcating the belief that we are all one family deserving of a decent life. It's time we design school and college syllabi to impart the understanding that all human beings are our brothers and sisters sharing a common heritage. We need to create an egalitarian affluence for the whole of humanity. Science and technology have immense potential to work towards that noble goal. We need to create a belief system based on respect for women, children, and the aged. We have enough wisdom to create a Garden of Eden on this beautiful planet which has bestowed a cornucopia of blessings and endowments. We have nothing to lose but our shackles by forging camaraderie and bonhomie by having a shared vision. Let us create a wonderful world where everyone lives in harmony with each other and the wonderful nature. We need to promote the belief that we are the denizens of the universe and that the whole smorgasbord of riches can be had if we shun the idiotic and divisive belief systems.


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3 comentarios

18 jun

Woow..great thought Sir

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Aparna J
Aparna J
18 jun

Completely agree with your views.

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Rameshwar Singh
Rameshwar Singh
18 jun

Wonderful message on beliefs.

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