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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

East is east and west is west yet both are best

By Murli Chari

The hackneyed phrase east is east and west is west and twain shall never meet is a fallacy. They have been compared to railway lines which are parallel for thousands of kilometers but never meet. The oriental civilizations are very much evolved in matters of art, culture, spiritualism, and reverence for nature. Oriental people have great reverence for family values and ancient wisdom and traditions. Their veneration for nature is really phenomenal and remarkable requiring great adoration. East which is regarded as lacking in knowledge was in the vanguard of many scientific truths. They had a profound knowledge of astronomy, metallurgy, architecture, physical laws et al. Even a fleeting look at the gorgeous Indian temples and Moghul edifices like Taj Mahal, Char Minar, and Qutub Minar et al can reveal the depth of knowledge. The Kailash temple in Ellora is a great engineering feat evoking great admiration since 18 million tons of rock were removed and there are no debris around. All these feats with no modern tools is worth studying. Oriental civilizations are rich in art, culture and literature. The myriad dance forms classical music and various musical instruments are worthy of great adoration, accolades, encomiums and compliments. The Chinese Tao, Acupuncture and Abacus are just mind-boggling. Even Vedic mathematics is just marvelous. The Cambodian Angkor Wat is just out of the world speaking volumes about the sophisticated architectural and sculpturing genius.

Now, coming to the west we are overwhelmed by the concepts of democracy, love for science and technology. The contribution of the west in the fields of science and technology is awe-inspiring. The west has done a yeoman service in ameliorating the teeming millions by doing a seminal work by making a herculean task in tackling the scourges of poverty, disease and illiteracy. Most of the path breaking inventions like electricity, railways, automobiles, computers, space travel, meteorology , astrophysics, medicines, vaccines and the legions of others which have enhanced the quality of lives of millions. West has given the gift of logical and left-brained thinking thereby enabling quantum leaps in various arenas. The industrial civilization is mainly due to the singular contribution from the west. It has been the homing ground for breakthrough scientific and technological inventions which has lightened the burden of human beings across the globe. Science which is transforming the lives have nourished and flourished in the western world. We could get rid of many superstitious beliefs due to advanced knowledge. The west by promoting scientific culture has enabled people to break the fetters and fly high in the skies. West has also contributed a great deal in the field of sports, art and entertainment. But for the west the world would still be languishing in the medieval times struggling to eke out an existence. The west has created a platform for billions to attract affluence by unleashing the potential of education and knowledge. West is the Avant Garde in the field of artificial intelligence and internet of things.

Now that we have understood the best of both we have to create a synergy as they both by themselves cannot deliver the goods. Unless both are blended we will have a haphazard human society. The east is still caught in the primordial days at the dereliction of material prosperity which it thinks is sin. The west is too much embroiled in development disregarding the delicate ecological balance. The piling up of nuclear arsenals based on western philosophy are capable of destroying our planet hundreds of times. Too much development has contributed to climatic change which if unattended can do irretrievable damage to the planet. Many species have become extinct and thousands of others at the risk of extinction. Too much reliance on eastern philosophy would compel millions to live a subhuman lives without a whimper. Too much reliance on the western philosophy of hedonism would plunder the earth creating havoc with nature. The proverbial chasm between the east and the west needs to be bridged to stop up the ominous impending disaster. Now, is the right time to shed our biases and coalesce all our energies in creating an egalitarian human society making the best use of both east and west.

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2 комментария

Aparna Jagannath
Aparna Jagannath
20 мар. 2022 г.

A super excellent post. Excellent description of the positive things on both the Eastern and the Western Culture. Loved reading it.

Murli Chari
Murli Chari
21 мар. 2022 г.
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