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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Each one of us is an Emperor

By Murli Chari

This will come as a surprise for everyone as most of us are struggling to make a living. Even the best of us is on the tenterhooks of uncertainty and fear about the future. For bringing about an egalitarian affluence to each one of us we have to make a paradigm shift in our economy. We need to resort to value-oriented approach in place of the current money-oriented approach to the economy. The magnificent and generous Universe has endowed us with humongous abundant cornucopia of blessings. Too much of crass commercialization has rendered every one of us a mere commodity in the marketplace. It’s a travesty of justice that the universe has given us all without cost and we charge for everything. Every facet and relationship are guided by money. Just imagine the human existence which is so brilliant and the impossibility to evaluate in terms of money. Each one of us has immense potential which has gone unharnessed and thwarted from blooming. Our physiology is worth trillions of dollars. Our potential is sprawling and can equal the universe in its glory and resplendence. Its time we recognized this humongous potential and encourage all of us to reach our apogee of brilliance. Let us revere each one of us as a miniature divinity.

We all need to commit to the cause of creating a congenial and salubrious atmosphere for everyone to blossom like a grand flower. For all these to happen we have to dismantle the existing societal structure which have become decrepit. Just study each one of the societal institutions; education, justice system, policing apparatus, legislative bodies, governments, executive bodies et al are languishing and have to be besmirched as they are more of a burden than of any use. The very purpose for which these institutions were created have become imperious and vitiates the very essence.

The amount of torment and rigmarole the bureaucracies meting out are appalling. In fact, businesses are more obsessed with making profits and resort to fleecing the customers. As we are living in one of the best times irrespective of the minor aberrations here and there, we can shed all our prejudices and biases to set the tone and tenor for a truly human society where businesses will pitch in things in the best interests of the entire mankind and the ecology as well. We need to develop compassion for all living and non-living things to bring about a catharsis in the world. Just imagine few decades ago when we had to stand in serpentine queues to get our goods and services. With the rapid progress by leaps and bounds in science and technology abundance for all is not an illusory vision nor far-fetched. We can alleviate the sufferings and ameliorate the condition of millions who are eking out an existence. For that to happen we have to coalesce all our energies, resources, and focus on peace, progress, and prosperity for all. We have to bury the hatchets and accept the gauntlet thrown to us by the nature. We can bring about a metamorphosis if we abjure violence, crime, and hatred. We need to make education and health free. One evolved human being can beat the best of supercomputers. Every human being is a dynamite. However, we need great icons and models who can provide inspiring leadership. We need more statesmen in the world rather than cunning and venal politicians. A proper atmosphere is needed for people who have become goons to become sages. We need to eliminate the haven for criminals. The nexus between criminals, politicians, and police are to be broken. At present, we are all squandering our energies in out beating others. We have to make the social institutions more formidable and impervious to negative influences. We need to stop the erosion in moral values. For this to happen we have to bid adieu to money-oriented economy which has proved to be our nemesis. The mantle falls on those who are truly educated and are compassionate in their hearts having a humanitarian attitude. To implement humanitarian values to the society we have to make a beginning from ourselves. Universe will support our intentions if we are pure in our intent.

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Aparna Jagannath
Aparna Jagannath
Feb 06, 2022

It's a fascinating post that exudes your vast knowledge and wisdom. Great blog.

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