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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Happiness is within everyone’s reach by Murli Chari

The very purpose of life is happiness for all of us. However, it is very elusive. We go to any extent to attain that state.

It is one of the greatest truths that whatever we pursue is a chimera which makes us seek that, but it vanishes like a mirage in the desert. When we keep quiet it descends on us. Money, wealth, pleasure, and hedonism are no guarantee

for happiness. Depending on external factors for happiness is akin to handing over the remote of our lives to others.To rely on material things for happiness leads to addiction like addiction to psychedelic drugs. After the hedonistic phase comes pain and disillusionment. We end up being victims of our own making. Simple things like watching sunrise, sunset, innocent smile, and pranks of little children, and helping someone give us immense happiness.

It is said that happiness is a state of mind. It has been found that even poor people are happy when they get small things and on the other hand the rich may feel miserable even when they are abounding in wealth. Pleasure seeking is not necessarily happiness as it makes us inebriated and on the other hand pure and sublime happiness needs no price.

Contentment with what one has can ensure happiness. That is not to say we need not enjoy comforts and luxuries. But to get attached to that would eventually lead to misery. We may have observed that we are happiest when we are helping those who are in dire straits and miserable when we are seeking something for ourselves.

All the turmoil and skirmishes are solely due to everyone scrambling to gather things for themselves resorting to unscrupulous and unethical means. Such happiness is evanescent often resulting in misery after a brief moment of happiness.

To enjoy happiness is to not compare, judge or have biased opinion. Unbiased acceptance of the moment makes the moment momentous akin to the aroma wafting from blooming flowers from the garden gifting eternal bliss which lasts till eternity.

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