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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Communication, cooperation and coordination are vital for success

Communication, cooperation, and coordination are vital for success.

The greatest gift human beings have is they can share their ideas, beliefs, and concepts with other human beings. This is done through the ability to communicate. Animals also communicate but their abilities are limited. A person who has a great ability to communicate is always successful. A skewed communication would lead to confusion and misunderstanding. A good communicator is very much appreciated by the audience. Political leaders in other fields are very good at rhetoric. Rhetoric can impact in a positive way only if the communication is clear and crisp and is beneficial to the audience. To have great communication ability is to be thorough in linguistic skills and great vocabulary. Actors are very apt in communication. Communication can do wonders for all people. Best ideas require great communication skills to explain the benefits. We must be very subtle while communicating and not brash as that might offend the other person. All feelings can be effectively communicated if our communication skills are exceptionally good. Non-verbal communications are also to be taken into consideration while conversing. A leader has to be very gentle as he is followed blindly without any doubts. (202 words)

Communication has to be blended with cooperation. Cooperation creates synergy and leads to phenomenal results. In cooperation, there is coalescing of ideas, facts, energy, and focus. It creates bonhomie and camaraderie. The cooperation ensures great spirit and there is harmony. In the absence of cooperation despite great communication, there is jealousy, acrimony, and hatred. Positive communication may fail if there is no cooperation. Cooperation brings people of different disciplines into one cohesive unit to accomplish tasks. If you split the word cooperation it means do operation in unison. Competition is the opposite of cooperation. Competition creates ruckus and pandemonium. Human beings with the assistance of great communication and great cooperation can do the impossible. Solitary goal antagonizes others. Cooperation requires patience, maturity, and wisdom. All the great things in the world have come through cooperation. Communication sans cooperation is a shallow idea. Adolf Hitler who devastated the world was a good communicator but low on cooperation. Dr. Nelson Mandela was apt in both communication and cooperation. When communication is blended with cooperation miracle is created. Mahatma Gandhi could attract a mass following since he operated on both aspects i.e. communication and cooperation. All the affluence in the world is created through communication and cooperation. (409)

Along with communication and cooperation coordination is equally important. It is like an orchestra where all the instruments work in coordination. Without coordination, there would be no music but only noise. Playing football makes use of all three vital components communication, cooperation, and coordination. All aircraft need these three vital components. In all the spheres of human endeavor, these three trios play a very crucial role in achieving goals. If you have communication and cooperation then you fail miserably if you do not have coordination. This goes for all the absences of these virtues. All human activities are totally dependent on these three dimensions. If all three pods of the tripod are balanced, then there is immense balance.

It’s time we emphasized the importance of these three virtues from early schooling. These three cs can do wonders for the world and make our world a truly livable place akin to a paradise. Learning multiple languages can fortify our communication skills and aid us in communicating with all sorts of people and that is crucial for our success. A person who is cooperative has phenomenal emotional intelligence which is very much essential for synergy and phenomenal success. Without cooperation nothing is possible. Coordination is so vital as we have to work hand in hand to make any venture successful. Let us give supreme importance to communication, cooperation, and coordination to do something worthwhile. All animosities and belligerence in the world would pave way for a beautiful planet. Most of the problems are due to a lack of clear-cut communication. One may be very intelligent but poor communication may lead to catastrophe. However good we are in communication in the absence of cooperation we would be ineffective. However good we are in communication and cooperation but lack cooperation we will fail miserably.

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