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Building A Network Leads To Building Huge Net Worth.

By Murli Chari

Behind every fortune, there is a huge network. Having a huge network of clients, fan-following and dedicated followers is the key to phenomenal success. Even a paltry sum of $1 from a million people would amount to a fabulous amount.

All the great and famous movie stars, sporting legends, authors, and politicians have huge networks leading to mind-boggling net worth.

There are of course musicians, singers, and a legion of other professionals who have phenomenal net worth because they have a huge network.

Each one of us can build a huge network as there are so many social media like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and the myriad other social media handles which can be put to use and offer niche valuable services or products.

We need to identify our niche talent and harness that and leverage social media to build the network and eventually our net worth. We need to have great communication skills, a willingness to cooperate with others as well as ourselves and coordinate with other people to make our mission and vision successful.

Inner peace with ourselves is the key to building a huge network. Those who have huge networks have immense self-belief and humility. These are the virtues that aid us in building a huge network. We need to be very polite and have immense patience and perseverance while building a network.

There are many leverages to successfully build an effective network. The leverages are our friends, near and dear ones, acquaintances, neighbors, our knowledge, our skills, technology, human capital, and some money to spare.

In the era gone by we had people with huge capital and land to create wealth through huge networks. Using other people's time and other people's money are great enablers for creating a phenomenal network.

The classic case of direct marketing or MLM (multi-level-marketing) is evidence that people have amassed huge wealth through building a great network.

The movie stars and legendary sportspersons make a fortune as they entertain millions of adoring fans who are providing the network. Those who have the great gift of the gab succeed in building a successful network.

Even the political parties thrive if they are successful in building a huge network. The glaring example of a huge net worth taking shape is that of Amazon which has a huge network of vendors and dedicated clients.

Even the lowliest placed can enhance their net worth if they build a phenomenal network. The network becomes very crucial in times of crisis.

We need to introduce the strategy to build a successful skill as part of the curriculum in schools and colleges. Once one has built a successful network then everything falls in place.

The days of brick and mortar are numbered and would eventually be replaced by networks through the internet of things.

We need to build info highway as an important infrastructure to build networks. The return on investments is very high if we build effective networks.

To create abundance for all then there is no better tool than networking. Only two things are needed to build great net worth and they are a unique talent and a great network.

The advantage of a great network is that it has no geographical constraints. Given the presence of social media building networks across the sprawling world is a child’s play. It is like an ocean that is engendered due to Feeder Rivers.

If we learn from nature the whole ecological balance is due to a hidden network. Though initially, we have to make huge efforts in building the network eventually the network makes things very easy for building a huge net worth.

The huge universe is again a great network of celestial beings holding together due to gravitational pull. All the abundance, riches, great understanding, and friendship can be created by resorting to building an immense network.

We need to shed our inhibitions and biases to integrate with more and more people leading to a great network. This network thing is a boon to all and it’s very democratic.

Let us all resolve to build a great network of humanity to ensure peace, progress, and prosperity for all rather than indulging in carnages and bloodshed. Come one come all and initiate networking to benefit all.

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