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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Attitude of gratitude


Jesus Christ’s golden adage “Whoever has more shall be given to him and whoever does not have whatever he has even that shall be taken away from him.” This powerful quote refers to gratitude. One who expresses gratitude for what he has will have an abundance of everything and one who does not express gratitude for whatever little he has shall be taken back and he will lack everything. We need to be grateful to our human existence which is full of blessings in a cornucopia. We fail to appreciate all the blessings endowed to us by the benevolent universe. We need to be grateful for a wide legion of things like our human mind, brain, consciousness, neurons, nerves, heart, eyes, nose, ears, lips, teeth, tongue, throat, lungs, bones, blood, pancreas, spinal cord, veins, arteries, skin, stomach, liver, stomach, small and large intestines, gullet, wind-pipe et al. Our body has 37 trillion cells working in tandem to keep us alive and enjoy life. Our brains have more synapses than celestial beings in the sprawling universe. As per the revered Osho, each has a brain that can contain the contents of all the libraries in the world. We must be grateful to nature for providing us with all the essential things to live and enjoy life. We must thank our parents for giving us this beautiful human life and all our ancestors for their wonderful heritage. We must be grateful to all the plants, trees, and animals for giving us food, fruits, and dairy products. We need to thank the farmers for providing us with various types of foods and other things. We need to be thankful to the scientists, technologists, governments, industrialists, corporations, manufacturers, cobblers, cab drivers, petrol pumps, various service providers, mutual fund houses, roads, bridges, rivers, oceans, mountains, libraries, schools, colleges, cyber-cafes, hotels, cinema houses, railways, toll collectors, policemen, military personnel, authors, teachers, administrative staff of various offices, petroleum companies, petrol pumps, milkman, dairies, computers, software developers, television manufacturers, media, social media, municipal corporations for providing water, sanitation, roads, street lamps, sewage, roads, funeral places and the myriads of others who make our lives wonderful and comfortable. When we have an attitude of gratitude, we receive many things for which we will be grateful. When we appreciate and express gratitude, we create a pleasant atmosphere in our minds which attracts a lot of brilliant ideas.  When we remain in a state of gratitude we do not entertain any grudges. This virtue will ensure immense affluence as we become a strong magnate which attracts marvelous things in our lives. To understand the value of gratitude we need to read the book The Magic by Rhonda Byrne who has written the whole book on the importance of gratitude in our lives. If we fail to express gratitude we are sending a wrong signal to the universe. When we are grateful and contented for what we have the universe sends a torrent of affluence. An attitude of gratitude blocks all the negative things from entering our being thus paving the way for the floodgates of affluence to flow. We need to be grateful to even a ranked enemy as he helps us in becoming a better person. Having an attitude of gratitude makes us affable and a cynosure of all eyes. To quote the brilliant book Bhagwat Gita we come to this world without anything and leave the world with nothing coming with us. Gratitude is an insurance to secure future prosperity. We need to thank the service providers for the services they have rendered to us trusting to pay when they present the bill rather than resenting the bill. If we make this expression of gratitude a habit our lives become very blissful. Pay the bills to various service providers with gratitude and you will enjoy eternal bliss. We need to imbibe this important virtue from the very beginning in our children and of course ourselves as well. Most of the time people take loans and do not care to return blighting their credibility. If we have taken a loan and are not able to keep our promises, we must express our gratitude and explain when we will honor the commitment. Gratitude leads to affluence with peace.

Murli Chari

29th May 2024


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