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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

Abundance for All

Abundance for all is not some Utopian dream but can become a reality if each one of us commits to the common interest. There are carnages, violence, and crimes in our troubled world. We are involved in needless wars leading to genocide. If all the resources that are being deployed in manufacturing weapons of mass destruction were channeled into useful means of creating a salubrious society, then we would have changed the entire face of the world. Trillions of dollars are spent to manufacture lethal weapons. All these are happening due to scarcity mentality and other biases. Our universe has infinite abundance. We need to use science and technology to alleviate the problems of poverty, illiteracy, and mayhem. Abundance for all can be accomplished if we all coalesce all our resources, energy, and wealth. We need to divert all the negative energies for a better cause. We are already living in paradise but a handful of villains are turning the world into a veritable hell. The universe has taken more than 4.5 billion years to bring human beings to their current stature. Abundance is the birthright of all human beings without exception. Once we create an affluent society there will be no crimes and we can live in supreme bliss. The amount of money spent on luxurious things, if kept to the minimum and the resources available for propping up the wealth of all, leads to egalitarian abundance.

The scarcity mentality has to be removed and in its place abundance mentality has to be planted. It is a myth that wealth goes down if spent. However, if one dollar is spent that changes many hands and there is an avalanche of wealth making all the people wealthy. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates duo, Tatas, Nadar, and Wipro to name a few are great philanthropists. Wealth burgeons if it is allowed to flow like a river. Generosity and altruism attract immense wealth. That is also good wealth with peace. Abundance is available to all irrespective of education, illiteracy, and poverty. We need to build our network of friends as that would pave the way to having access to abundance. I recommend reading The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy and As a Man Thinketh by James Allen. Abundance is within the reach of each one. We need to have a clear image of what we want and put full focus and energy into that. In addition to these two, there are legions of books like How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill, and Four Hour Week by Timothy Ferris. All the formal education comprising of not less than 15 years has very little use in the cauldron of real life. Learning life skills is very cheap through reading self-help books rather than spending lacs of rupees to acquire a degree.

Human life is so precious that we need to invest loads of money in education rather than in luxurious homes, cars, and other shiny gadgets as they are dead capital. The return on investment in education is humongous. Abundance is sprawling across the universe. If we want to catch blue whales we have to go to the ocean. However, in real life, we settle for paltry wealth as we are scared of failure. If we get rid of our negative thinking and start thinking positively, we can achieve things beyond our wildest dreams. We need to teach children and students how they can acquire abundance through relaxed effort. It is a misnomer that hard work pays off.  We need to resort to smart work. Abundance can be attracted if we make use of the unlimited power of our subconscious mind which has the answers to all our problems. An easy way to attract abundance is to add value to millions of people without expecting anything in return. Creating affluence for the whole of mankind is very simple and that is to deploy money, effort, and energy towards that goal. We need to stem the rot that money is evil. It depends on who is possessing the wealth. In the hands of a gentleman, it is very useful and worthless if it is in the hands of villains of society.

Murli Chari



Date: 19/01/2024



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1 comentário

Rameshwar Singh
Rameshwar Singh
19 de jan.

Fantastic thought. And beautifully presented. Should reach to the creators/destroyers of the entire world. Congratulations Murli Chari for writing such a novel thing which if implemented will make a different world.

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