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  • Writer's pictureMurli Chari

A tranquil mind is worth a ton of gold

By Murli Chari

In these days of intense competition and hedonism tranquility has become the biggest casualty. We need to maintain our sang-froid under a very provocative and trying situations which are beyond our control. Stephen Covey, the legendary author of many brilliant books,

says that between stimuli and response there should be a time lag wherein lies our freedom. We always have the proclivity to react to even frivolous things creating a very tense atmosphere. This precipitates the matter by creating animosity with others leading

sometimes to violent abuse. With so much of negative information overload our fuses have become short provoking belligerence. Most of the carnage, violence and mayhem which have become ubiquitous emanate from lack of tranquility. A tranquil mind is like the mind of a

truly evolved persons like Gautam Buddha, Dr. Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, and a litany of greats. There are legions of greats who had and some of the contemporary greats who have developed this golden virtue. Virtues of a tranquil minds are many. A tranquil

mind evolves by dint of compassion, love, unbiased thinking, and balanced approach. Many of the seemingly trivial issues lead to homicide or to a lesser extent maiming of limbs. One who is endowed with this virtue will not allow the situation to get the better of him/her.

Tranquility is vital in restoring the mental peace and great wellbeing. This virtue must be developed consciously. Every time we are faced with the challenge of getting furious, we need to hold our breath and remain serene. Lot of patience, understanding and compassion are the building blocks of tranquility. A tranquil mind is one which is like a placid ocean which is not disturbed even if a huge elephant falls into it. Having this virtue leads to supreme bliss, relationships, and compassion. A tranquil mind is very congenial for creating brilliant

ideas and for germination of healthy enzymes like oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin which create an abounding fountain of bliss. This state of mind attracts an avalanche of affluence. We need to teach our children and youth to appreciate and develop this most important

virtue which is the best asset any human being can have. This solitary virtue ensures enduring and perennial happiness not relying on external factors. In these days of trials and tribulations everyone is out to amass wealth disturbing the tranquility within and without.

When we have this attribute, we can fully understand the situation and its gravity. We can think through with lot of clarity. A moment of indiscretion may lead to a situation which we may regret for years to come. Most of the times our minds are so agitated that we commit

many monumental blunders which could have been avoided for the good of all with the aid of tranquility. Tranquility is just like an air conditioner providing comfort to us and aiding us in working to our peaks. This is just like an air conditioner withing to assist our brains

and minds to come out with the best solution. This applies to all the countries, communities, religious groups, ethnic groups, races, castes and all the cohorts of people. A tranquil country will grow with leaps and bounds bringing peace, progress, and prosperity to all. This one virtue can help the humanity to cut the warheads and deploy the resources for alleviating the scourge of poverty, illiteracy, and violence. Anger is one of the worst enemies of human beings as they emanate from fear, insecurity, hatred, enmity, greed, and animalistic passions.

All of these are one of the biggest challenges for developing tranquility. Anything that does not serve the sang-froid state is also against happiness which is the very purpose of human existence. In fact, we all need to train our brain to remain composed and calm to burgeon the state of tranquility which leads to abounding joy and happiness.

Let’s all of us develop this attribute called tranquility which is worthier than all the wealth in the world. Children learn from elders. So, it is our bounden responsibility to remain tranquil even during chaos and turbulence. With tranquility comes the attendant benefits of supreme bliss, wisdom, meaningful relationships, and quietude.

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