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7 Horses of Our Chariot

By Murli Chari

Our life is a brilliant chariot needing the seven horses namely

1) Character

2) Self-belief

3) Gratitude

4) Now and here

5) Compassion

6) Wisdom and

7) Knowledge.

We need to be in full reins of these horses so that the chariot is on course. All the seven horses need to ride in the same direction.

Now we will see the importance of each of these 7 horses. The most precious horse is Character. This is the backbone of the pack of horses. An impeccable and unblemished character is priceless and imperative.

An aphorism would be in place wherein it is said When wealth is lost nothing is lost, When health is lost something is lost, and When a character is lost everything is lost. One more adage would be in place: Watch your words they would become thoughts, Watch your thoughts they would become habits, Watch your habits they would become a character, Watch your character they would become destiny.

Moving on to the next horse is Self-belief.

Our self-belief triggers positive thoughts leading to astounding results. The absence of self-belief can play havoc with our lives.

We need self-belief to develop chutzpah. Self-belief is a storehouse of tremendous energy required to propel our engine of success. We need to practice this habit assiduously. It is a panacea for many afflictions.

The third horse is Gratitude. Expressing gratitude to the benevolent universe, our parents, our teachers, our friends, and legions of others to ensure perennial abundance and bliss. When we express gratitude for what we have then more things come to us.

Complaining attracts more situations for which we have to complain. Gratitude keeps us exuberant and euphoric attracting the greater good. The attitude of gratitude decides our altitude. It is the right clime for the seed of abundance to germinate and give a harvest of sweet fruits.

Coming in next is the horse called “Now and Here”.

Living in the now and here keeps focused on the present which is necessary for great results. We, otherwise, keep flailing like a pendulum of a clock resulting in no movement.

The quietude and serenity arising due to our staying in the now and here leads to supreme bliss and peace. The joy is boundless and eternal.

A fifth and most important horse is our Compassion.

This virtue makes us a cynosure of all eyes and worthy of adoration. Compassion creates great bonding ensuring great affluence with serenity. Compassion ensures the attitude of empathy and leads to a feel-good factor. This also ensures that we do not entertain hubris.

The sixth and most precious horse is Wisdom which keeps us away from calamity and misadventures. Wisdom is skill blended with intelligence. Wisdom can be accrued through one’s own experiences or by learning from the blunders of others.

Wisdom is a perennial source of ambrosia keeping us inebriated with bliss. This horse keeps the entire chariot from going astray and pulverized into smithereens.

Last but not least is the horse called Knowledge. This horse plays a vital role in deciding the route and journey to the coveted destination. This Arabian Equestrian has phenomenal power to keep the chariot on course. This horse can be nourished through many sources including formal education. We have to nourish this horse continuously lest it falls into comatose complacency.

We need to be much grounded in keeping all the horses bridled lest the whole chariot goes haywire and become a victim of our dereliction.

We need to keep all the horses on leashes to ensure proper movement towards the destiny. If we do not ensure cooperation and coordination among the seven horses that may prove cataclysmic.

We need to give equal attention to all the seven horses. We also need to be focused only on the movement of our chariot oblivious to other chariots in the vicinity.

We need to teach these lessons early in the lives of children so that they do not grope in the dark. It is much easier to learn in the formative years as with age we lose our willingness to learn new skills which are vital for our reaching our destiny. Let us become Ben-Hur the champion charioteer.

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Nirbhay Shastry
Nirbhay Shastry
Jun 09, 2022

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Aparna Jagannath
Aparna Jagannath
May 22, 2022

Very beautiful, impressive, highly inspiring and positive thoughts. You never cease to amaze me.

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